5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^222) › STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
Questions 43–45 refer to the following passage:
We have, by this perpetual and irrevocable edict, established and proclaimed:
“First, that the recollection of everything done be one party or the other... during all the preceding period of
troubles, remain obliterated and forgotten, as if no such things had ever happened....
“We ordain that the Catholic Apostolic and Roman religion shall be restored and reestablished in all places and
localities of this our kingdom and countries subject to our sway, where the exercise of the same has been interrupted,
in order that it may be peaceably and freely exercised, without any trouble or hindrance....
“And in order to leave no occasion for troubles or differences between our subjects, we have permitted, and
herewith permit, those of the said religion called Reformed to live and abide in all the cities and places of this our
kingdom and countries of our sway, and without being annoyed, molested, or compelled to do anything in the
matter of religion contrary to their consciences... .”
Henry IV of France, The Edict of Nantes, 1598

  1. From the passage, one may infer that
    A. Henry IV was a Catholic
    B. Henry IV was a Protestant
    C. before 1598, France had been free of reli-
    gious conflict
    D. before 1598, France was stricken with reli-
    gious conflict

  2. The Edict of Nantes proclaimed which of the fol-
    A. The Catholic Church in France was banned.
    B. The Catholic Church could exist in France.
    C. The Catholic Church is the one true Church.
    D. The Catholic Church caused too much trou-
    ble and hindrance in France.
    45. Henry IV proposed which of the following?
    A. Banning Protestants from France
    B. Allowing Protestants to be able to live peace-
    fully in his kingdom
    C. His own conversion to Roman Catholicism
    D. His own conversion to Protestantism

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