Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Voluntary simplicity: Making more out of less 197

  1. What are the two main goals of the voluntary simplicity movement?

  2. What inluences make it diicult for people to reduce their consumption patterns?

14 · 7


Reading for interpretation and inferenceMatch each of the following
guidelines with the appropriate explanation below.

a. Take stock.
b. Set priorities.
c. Reduce, recycle, and reuse.
d. Share, give away, and use public resources.
e. Choose quality over quantity.
f. Resist pressure.
g. Take time.
h. Be grateful.

  1. Buy things that last instead of cheap junk.

  2. Don’t consume needlessly, waste resources, or throw useful things away.

  3. Look at all you have and give thanks.

  4. Do things because you believe in them, not because others expect it of you.

  5. Look closely at your life and ask yourself how much you really get out of what you
    have and do.

  6. Make changes thoughtfully and without being in a big hurry.

  7. Contribute to the community instead of accumulating things for selish purposes.

  8. Decide what is really important to you and use your time, energy, and resources

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