6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
To find the sales tax, multiply the marked price
by the rate of sales tax.

Write a percent equation: Let Trepresent the sales tax.
Trate of sales tax marked price
T 5%  $29.95

To find the total cost, add the Let TCrepresent the total cost.
sales tax to the marked price. TCmarked price sales tax
TC $29.95  T

Since Total Cost Marked Price Sales Tax, check
if the total cost is greater than the marked price.

A disposable digital camera costs $29.95
plus 5% sales tax. Find the sales tax and
total cost of the camera.

Problem-Solving Strategy:

Write an Equation


T5% $29.95
4 4 2
0.$ 2 9.9 5
. 0 0.0 5
$ 1.4 9 .7 5 $1.50

The sales tax is $1.50.

TC$29.95 $1.50 $31.45
The total cost is $31.45.

Visualize yourself in the problem above as you
reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: camera cost—$29.95
rate of sales tax— 5%
Question:What is the sales tax and the
total cost of the camera?

Round to the nearest cent.

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