6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Update your skills. See page 20.

Measure Metric Length


1 meter(m) 10 decimeters (dm)
1 m 100 centimeters (cm)
1 m 1000 millimeters (mm)
1 kilometer (km) 1000 m

You can use a centimeter ruler
to measure length to the nearest
centimeter or millimeter.

On this ruler, the distance
from one tick mark to the
next is 1 millimeter:
1 cm10 mm.

ABis about 4 cm long.
ABis 42 mm long.

You can use a meterstick to measure greater lengths,
widths, or heights.

You would need 1000 metersticks
laid end to end to measure
a 1-kilometer long bridge.

Metric units of length are related by powers of 10. Each unit has tentimes the
value of the next unit to its rightand one-tenththe value of the next unit to its left.

thousands hundreds tens ones tenths hundredths thousandths
1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
kilometer hectometer dekameter meter decimeter centimeter millimeter
(km) (hm) (dam) (m) (dm) (cm) (mm)

Multiplyby a power of 10 to rename Divideby a power of 10 to rename
larger units as smaller units. smaller units as larger units.

7 km m 240 cm m
7 km(7 1000 ) m7000 m 240 cm(240 100 ) m2.4 m


To rename one metric unit to another (short way):
Count the number of places from the
known unit to the new unit in the table.
Move the decimal point the same number
of places in the same direction.

30.5 m km
From meters to kilometers,
move 3 places left.
30.5 m  0 .030.5 km
30.5 m 0.0305 km





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