6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
6 9. 629,735 10.70,006

  1.  0 13,287 10.28,479

  2. When 2 million is added to a number and the
    sum is subtracted from 5 million, the result is
    500,000. Find the number.

  3. Of 3 stadiums, one holds 89,549, another
    holds 89,594, and the third 89,459. Which
    stadium holds the most? the least?

  4. One book costs $2.75, another is $3.45
    more. Find the cost of both books.

  5. A fish market sold 623 salmon, 755 tuna, and
    389 monkfish. About how many fish were sold?

  6. Frank gave away^14 of his baseball cards.
    How many cards did he give away?




How many times greater is 2 in:
6 1a.2 million than in 2 thousand?
6 1b.7,025,100,000 than in 257,000?
Compare. Write ,, or .
6 2a.6 billion 6 million, 20
6 b. 800  7 400,000 500 thousand
6 3a. 48 63 59  52
6 b. 107 59 3072  2974
Writeorto make each statement true.
6 4. 250 78 92  236
6 5. 688 95 86  679
6 6. 45,386 7.11,746 8.50,000

  1. 23,492 6. 0 5,113 6.38,725



6 1. What is 250 less than 5000?
6 2. From 1 million take 127 thousand.
6 3a. 46  10  100 b. 832  10  100
Find the value of n.
6 4a. 1700 30,00030,000n
64 b. 120  120 n 40
6 5. 5100 (2003)(5100n) 3
6 6. 250 (2600750)(2600750)n
Compare. Write ,, or .
6 7a. 382  36 6  1735
67 b. 63  489 72  382
6 8a. 839 31 738  23
68 b.18,057 221? 39,653  481



Writeorto make each statement true.
1 9a.6 213  1278 b.2240 64  35
10a.4218 3  1406 b.81 88  7128

  1. At $1.06 a gallon, what is the cost of
    250 gallons of gasoline?

  2. There are chickens and cows on the farm with
    a total of 36 feet. There are more cows than
    chickens. How many of each are on the farm?

  3. There are 8125 books to be shipped. Each
    carton can hold 16 books. How many books
    will be in the carton that is not filled?

  4. A train takes 102 h to travel 7140 mi. A plane
    takes 17 h to go the same distance. How far
    does the plane travel in 1 h?

  5. A baker uses 5 eggs for each cake he bakes.
    For 25 cakes, how many dozen eggs are used?


0 1. What is the smallest nonzero number divisible
by 2, 3, 5, and 9?
0 2a. 36  8  2  4  b. 4986  48
0 3. 6  2  3  2 (164)
In the number 5602.347891 there are how many:
0 4a.millionths? b.hundreds? c.thousandths?
Round to the nearest hundredth and thousandth.
0 5. 13.0736 6.2.1087
Compare. Write ,, or .
0 7. 6.812 6.81 8.14.006 14.060
0 9. From 16.065 take 0.283.


  1. Take 0.10207 from 1.

  2. A package of 100 tea bags sells for $20.15.
    What is the approximate cost per tea bag?

  3. Kim can run 6 km in 26 min. Nel can run 4 km
    in 15.5 min. To the nearest tenth of a minute,
    how much faster can Nel run 1 kilometer?

  4. Lee had 380 pictures. She put a dozen pictures
    on each page. How many more pictures does
    she need to complete the last page?

  5. John is 57 in. tall. Jim is 46.25 in. tall. How
    much taller than Jim is John?

  6. What number multiplied by 0.7 gives 4.48?




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