SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 2: The Four Logical Relationships

  1. cause and effect (because)

  2. definition (missing word means utterly unaware)

  3. support (examplesare given)

  4. support (the scriptwasconsummateso the lines
    must have been good, too), contrast (while)

  5. cause and effect (thus)

  6. cause and effect (by.. .)

Concept Review 2

  1. support, contrast, cause and effect, and definition

  2. support (colonindicates examples), contrast

  3. support (semicolonindicates development), defi-
    nition (missing word means constant use of insult
    and humiliation)

  4. support (------ communitiesmust provide ------
    from persecution), cause and effect (the need
    caused their search)

SAT Practice 2

  1. D Boundless energyis the definitionofvigor.
    This is the kind of thing that would causesome-
    one to be exhaustedat the end of the day.
    grace=elegance;scandalized=shamed publicly;
    contrite=filled with regret; vigor=great energy;
    disillusioned=with lowered esteem for another

  2. E This sentence contains a definition.The miss-
    ing word means based more on personal whim
    than on the opinions of his fellow members.This is
    inclusive= including;abstract=not concrete;
    illusory=based on or characteristic of illusion;
    arbitrary=based on whim or random power

  3. A The semicolon indicates support.The phrase
    more... than.. .indicates a contrast.The word
    boundaryis the definitionof the first missing word.
    demarcation=boundary;estrange=cause to grow

  4. B Such asindicatessupportthrough example.
    Breathing rateandperspirationare examples of
    physiologicalreactions. (They aren’t imperceptible
    because they’re being recorded!) The word byin-
    dicates a cause and effectrelationship. The
    recording of such reactions would not induce
    (cause) deception, but might just detectit.
    imperceptible=incapable of being detected; sub-
    cause;verifiable=capable of being proven true

  5. D The sentence shows a cause and effect:
    something about the novel makesit (causes it to
    be)difficult to translate.The description makes it
    soundquirky,which would indeed make it hard to

mundane=ordinary;taciturn=not talkative; allit-
erative=tending to use words that begin with the
same sound; idiosyncratic=quirky;orthodox=
adhering strictly to teachings

  1. E This sentence shows a cause and effect.
    Some quality of the bears causes them not to hurt
    each other, even in aggressive play.Particularly
    since they are so strong,they would have to have
    a lot of restraint.
    inborn ability; restraint=ability to hold back

  2. A This sentence supportsthe main idea with a
    description of the General’s beliefs. Deterrenceis
    the belief that a strong offensive capability will
    deter(prevent) attack from one’s enemies, that is,
    that a formidable (awesome) display of force
    wouldobviate(render unnecessary through fore-
    sight) further military action.
    subtle=hard to detect; unbridled=lacking restraint

  3. C This sentence supportsthe main idea with a
    description of the writer’s mood. If a writer is disil-
    lusionedandimpoverished,she would probably not
    want to stay in that situation for much longer. She
    would want to give upthe artistic life. The first word
    should be a negative adjective that describes the life
    she wants to give up.
    complacent=self-satisfied;invoke=call in; dejected=
    sad;forsake=abandon;gracious=full of grace

  4. C The word whileand the phrase in factindicate
    acontrast.A meal of raw eggs and vegetables
    sounds pretty minimal,but it must provide all req-
    uisite(necessary) nutrition to the young athlete.
    minimal, stark; doleful=sad

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