SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 4: Simplifying the Sentence

  1. BHis inability to relate to the latest trends in
    art led him to fear that his critical faculties had
    (−) during his long hiatus.
    diversified=made more various; atrophied=
    weakened from disuse; converted=changed;
    enhanced=made more valuable, effective, or

  2. ETo her chagrin, Ellen soon learned that she
    could not hide her (−); her friends at the party
    could see the signs of weariness on her face.

  3. AMcLanham’s (=) prose, particularly when com-
    pared to that of his more flamboyant (=), illus-
    trates how artists of the same era can reflect
    startlingly different perspectives on the same

Concept Review 4

  1. Because it is often easier to attend to tone than to
    meaning, and it can be used to eliminate inap-
    propriate choices.

  2. To restate in your own, simpler terms.

  3. lurid (−)

  4. purchase (=)

  5. euphoria (+)

  6. innocuous (+)

  7. pretentious (−)

  8. overwhelm (=)

  9. rejuvenate (+)

  10. modify (=)

  11. insidious (−)

  12. CA (+) politician, Congresswoman Andrews
    worked hard and made so few mistakes that her
    opponents seemed to be (−) by contrast.
    shrewd=smart;sages=wise people; slothful=
    lazy;drones=mindless laborers; canny=smart;
    blunderers=people prone to mistakes; dynamic=

SAT Practice 4

  1. D If mice all have similar traits, they are uniform,
    probably because they are very closely related.
    They must be clonesorclose family members.
    sedated=put to sleep; temperament=disposition;
    vigor=energetic health; inbred=bred with family
    members;uniformity=lack of variation

  2. C If the film has excessive sentimentality and un-
    realistic dialogue,historians must not like it. They
    wouldcriticizethe film. It must not have showna
    true understanding of the problems of the era.
    advocated=spoke in favor of; exhibit=display;
    hinder= impede;panned= criticized harshly;
    exalted=praised highly; ascertain=determined
    the truth of; censured=criticized

  3. E If this fact indicates that no language is imper-
    vious to foreign influences,it must reveal a strong
    influence from foreign sources. Incorporating such
    words as “e-mail”would show that influence.
    originated=started;invalidated=made worthless;
    recounted=retold;incorporated=assumed into a

  4. B Althoughindicates contrast. Although her pro-
    tocols have always been beyond reproach,many

must have questionedthe undergirdings of her
lingered over=considered carefully; disputed=
called into question; presumed = assumed to
be true

  1. D Stark objectivityin film means plain, unadorned
    perspective.Starkandaustereare synonyms.
    =very happy; humane=compassionate

  2. D To say that the world could have formulated
    calculus without Newtonis to suggest that scien-
    tific discovery does not depend on the creativity of
    particular individuals.
    monotony = tedium; triviality = ordinariness;
    impersonality = detachment from personal

  3. A If Emily only eventuallyconfessed about the
    workshop, she must have had to be forced to
    participateat first, but then she must have gotten
    a lot out of it.
    cajoled=coaxed persistently; intuited= deter-
    mined by a hunch; restrained = held back;
    obscured=made unclear

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