SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

SAT Practice 4: Simplifying the Sentence


  1. In genetic research, ------ mice are often essential
    because their ------ allows scientists to pose ques-
    tions answerable only if all the mice in a group
    have similar hereditary traits.
    (A) sedated.. temperament
    (B) cloned.. unpredictability
    (C) adaptable.. vigor
    (D) inbred.. uniformity
    (E) adult.. familiarity

  2. Historians generally ------ the film, not only for its
    excessive sentimentality and unrealistic dia-
    logue, but because it did not ------ a true under-
    standing of the problems of the era.
    (A) advocated.. exhibit
    (B) challenged.. hinder
    (C) panned.. demonstrate
    (D) exalted.. ascertain
    (E) censured.. eliminate

  3. The fact that even the most traditional European
    languages have ------ such words as “e-mail”
    seems to indicate that no language is impervious
    to foreign influences.
    (A) originated
    (B) prohibited
    (C) invalidated
    (D) recounted
    (E) incorporated

  4. Although many have ------ the theoretical under-
    girdings of her research, her experimental proto-
    cols have always been beyond reproach.
    (A) lingered over
    (B) disputed
    (C) presumed
    (D) interpreted
    (E) publicized

  5. Director T. C. Kehrwuld, whose mastery of stark
    objectivity in film has long been recognized by
    critics, has released another cinematic master-
    piece which, while bound to satisfy those same
    critics, may be too ------ for public acceptance.
    (A) flamboyant
    (B) maudlin
    (C) ecstatic
    (D) austere
    (E) humane
    6. The humanists in the class emphasized the ------
    of scientific discovery, asserting that although the
    world could have formulated calculus without
    Newton, it would never have produced the Ham-
    merklavier Sonata without Beethoven.
    (A) monotony
    (B) triviality
    (C) symmetry
    (D) impersonality
    (E) intricacy
    7. Even Emily, who had to be ------ to participate at
    first, eventually confessed that she ------ a great
    deal from the workshop.
    (A) cajoled.. benefitted
    (B) inclined.. intuited
    (C) restrained.. resented
    (D) persuaded.. obscured
    (E) discouraged.. recalled
    8. Although his manner was didactic and imperi-
    ous, this fact was generally ------ and occasionally
    even ------ as qualities befitting a man of his
    (A) encouraged.. dismissed
    (B) overlooked.. ignored
    (C) discussed.. denounced
    (D) criticized.. glorified
    (E) tolerated.. applauded
    9. The novel’s realistic depiction of social injustice
    in early-nineteenth-century America was an un-
    mistakable ------ of the new republic’s ------ to its
    democratic ideals.
    (A) denunciation.. infidelity
    (B) disavowal.. reversion
    (C) trivialization.. devotion
    (D) revelation.. gratitude
    (E) commendation.. allegiance

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