SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. Billy the Bobcat,like other children’s stories,
    haveelements that can only be fully appreci-
    ated by adults.
    (A) like other children’s stories have
    (B) like other children’s stories, has
    (C) a children’s story, like others, has
    (D) is like other stories for children in that
    they have
    (E) like that of other children’s stories, has also

  2. Ernest Rutherford, a scientist when measuring
    the charge and mass of alpha particles, discov-
    ered that they are virtually identical to the nu-
    clei of helium atoms.
    (A) a scientist when measuring the charge
    and mass of alpha particles
    (B) a scientist who measured the charge and
    mass of alpha particles
    (C) a scientist which measured the charge
    and mass of alpha particles
    (D) measuring the charge and mass of alpha
    particles, was a scientist when he
    (E) being the one who measured the mass and
    charge of alpha particles as a scientist

  3. Oxytocin is the hormone that triggers uterine
    contractions during labor, as well asthe pre-
    liminary contractions known as Braxton Hicks.
    (A) labor, as well as
    (B) labor, as well as being the hormone that
    (C) labor, causing as well
    (D) labor; and also causes
    (E) labor; also causing

  4. During the Clinton presidency, the U.S. enjoyed
    more than any time in its history peace and
    economic well being.
    (A) the U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its
    history peace and economic well being
    (B) the U.S. enjoying more than any other time
    in its history peace and economic well being
    (C) more peace and economic well being was
    enjoyed by the U.S. than any other time
    (D) economic peace and well being was en-
    joyed by the U.S. more so than any other
    time in the country’s history
    (E) the U.S. enjoyed more peace and eco-
    nomic well being than at any other time
    in its history

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  1. The final three months of the year tend to be
    profitable for technology companies because
    of increased consumer demand being around
    the holidays.
    (A) because of increased consumer demand
    being around the holidays
    (B) because of increasing consumer demand
    occurs around the holidays
    (C) an increased consumer demand around
    the holidays makes it so
    (D) because consumer demand increases
    around the holidays
    (E) because the increased consumer demand
    is what occurs around the holidays

  2. As his moviemaking career began to wane, Jerry
    Lewis remained in the public eye by hosting both
    a variety show and on an annual telethon with
    benefits for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
    (A) on an annual telethon with benefits for
    the Muscular Dystrophy Association
    (B) an annual telethon with benefits to the
    Muscular Dystrophy Association
    (C) benefiting the Muscular Dystrophy
    Association with his annual telethon
    (D) an annual telethon benefiting the
    Muscular Dystrophy Association
    (E) the Muscular Dystrophy Association
    with an annual telethon

  3. The development of bebop is attributed in large
    part to Dizzy Gillespie and also saxophonist
    Charlie Parker; and their unique styleshelped to
    contribute to and typified the bebop sound.
    (A) and their unique styles helped to con-
    tribute to and typified the bebop sound
    (B) their unique styles contributed to and
    typified the bebop sound
    (C) it was their unique styles that contributed
    to and were typifying the bebop sound
    (D) but their unique styles helped contribute
    to the typical bebop sound
    (E) the bebop sound was helped by the contri-
    butions of their unique styles and typified it

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