AP Psychology Practice Exam 2 ❮ 305
- Which of the following is a hallucination?
(A) thinking you are President of the United
(B) being sure that your boss is out to get you
(C) thinking this is 2013
(D) feeling extraordinarily happy and agitated
one moment, then extraordinarily depressed
the next
(E) hearing voices that are not actually there
- Stella remembered the order of the planets from
the Sun by recalling the sentence, “My very edu-
cated mother just served us noodles.” For Stella,
this sentence is a
(A) chunking strategy
(B) mnemonic device
(C) peg system
(D) acoustic encoding sequence
(E) proactive interference inhibitor
- Which of the following is caused by a teratogen?
(A) Tay-Sachs disease
(B) Klinefelter’s syndrome
(C) Turner’s syndrome
(D) Down syndrome
(E) fetal alcohol syndrome
- In classical conditioning the learner learns to
associate the unconditioned stimulus with
(A) an unconditioned response
(B) a conditioned stimulus
(C) a conditioned response
(D) a negative reinforcer
(E) a punishment
- According to Selye’s General Adaptation
Syndrome (GAS) theory, of the following stages,
we are most susceptible to disease during
(A) resolution
(B) resistance
(C) alarm
(D) exhaustion
(E) extinction
- Jeanette locked the front door and then checked
it by turning the knob. She checked it a second
time. After walking halfway down the path to
the street, Jeanette went back to the door and
checked to make sure that it was locked. Her
behavior appears to be
(A) psychotic
(B) schizophrenic
(C) obsessive
(D) compulsive
(E) manic
- Carlos could consistently differentiate the note
middle C on the violin from middle C on the
piano because of the difference in
(A) frequency
(B) primary wavelength
(C) amplitude
(D) timbre
(E) volume
- Hunger, thirst, and sex are most closely associ-
ated with stimulation of the
(A) pons
(B) cerebellum
(C) hypothalamus
(D) temporal lobes
(E) basal ganglia
- For which of the following disorders might a
psychiatrist prescribe a selective serotonin reup-
take inhibitor such as Prozac or Paxil?
(A) manic
(B) depressive
(C) dissociative identity
(D) conversion
(E) schizophrenic
Practiceexam-02.indd 305 27-05-2018 16:02:35