English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

202 English Grammar Demystifi ed

Did you realize that using the word then could substitute for any of the

Wordy: In that period, we read all the child-rearing books we could fi nd.

Clearer: Then we read all the child-rearing books we could fi nd.

Wordy: As of that time, we started toilet training children at a year old.

Clearer: We started toilet training children at a year old then.

My favorite unnecessary words are listed in the following practice.

Written Practice 9-10

On the lines provided, write a matching expression that eliminates the extra words
from the original expression. The fi rst one is done for you.

  1. repeat again repeat

  2. refer back

  3. true facts

  4. active consideration

  5. present status

  6. entirely complete

  7. past history

  8. midway between

  9. in ten years from now

  10. at that time

Written Practice 9-11

Simplify each of the following sentences by eliminating unnecessary words.

  1. Juana’s mother she agreed to bake for her granddaughter’s birthday party.

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