English Grammar Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

CHAPTER 9 Style and Clarity^205

Written Practice 9-14

In each of the following sentences, fi nd misplaced words and descriptive phrases,
unnecessary words, and illogical statements, and correct the errors.

  1. At the end of the season, the team, it gave a party for its supporters.

  2. The reason I bought this TV was because it was on sale.

  3. At that point in time, I couldn’t afford one.

  4. All of the new graduates who graduated from the citizenship class met at
    the school for an awards ceremony.

  5. Since I despise that band’s kind of music, I attend their concerts frequently.

  6. My favorite part of the afternoon was when we went through the bead

  7. After signing the bill, the pen was given to one of the senators.

  8. Complicated computer problems are solved by quite precise corrections.

  9. The voters on the desk completed registration forms.

  10. The applicant’s present status is perfect for our needs.

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