Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Hiroshima were, by being exposed to radiation or something
similar. As a result of this mutation, some changes take place
in the fish's body and, one day, it turns into a crocodile. This
is a totally ridiculous claim. Furthermore, as we mentioned
above, mutations are always harmful to living crea-
tures. They either cripple them or make them
very sick.
We can compare evolutionists'
claims with the following example: If
you took hold of an axe and hit a
black and white television with it,
could you change that television
into a colour one? Of course not! If
you randomly hit a television with
an axe, you will merely end up
with a smashed set. In the same
way that hitting something haphaz-
ardly with an axe will inevitably
damage it, so mutations
harm living beings.

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