Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

frog can turn into a prince is in a fairy tale. However, in re-
al life it is impossible for a deer to change into a lion or an-
other living thing. And yet evolutionists still keep insisting
that they can!

WWhhaatt DDooeess MMuuttaattiioonn MMeeaann??
Mutations are the adverse changes that take place in a liv-
ing body. Radiation or chemical substances cause mutations.
The effects of radiation and chemical substances on living
things are always harmful. Nearly 60 years ago, during the
Second World War, an atom bomb was dropped on the
Japanese city of Hiroshima. The atom bomb spread radiation
around the area, and this caused terrible harm to people. The
radiation caused most of the people exposed to it either to be-
come seriously ill or else to die. Moreover, it destroyed some
of their bodily systems, and this in turn caused their children to
be born either sick or crippled.
So, with such disastrous events in mind, this is what evo-
lutionists would have us believe: One day a fish undergoes a
mutation; for example, it is affected, as the people of

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