Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


ameed was a very intelligent and cheerful boy. He was very
interested in birds and wanted to get to know all of them well.
He somtimes looked after birds in his house, but later let them go.
He took great pleasure in their free lifestyles. One morning in
spring, Hameed saw a flock of long-legged birds all flying together
and right away he went out onto the terrace of his house to watch
them more closely. When he got outside he saw that two of these
birds had landed on the chimney and he
was very happy to see them. He waved
and called out to them:
"Hello, I'm Hameed. Who are you?"
"Hello, Hameed. I hope we're not
giving you any trouble by landing here.

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