Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

We'd like very much to talk to you and
get to know you," said one of the pair.
"By all means," said Hameed: "I love
all birds very, very much. Can you tell me
a bit about yourselves, please?"
"Of course," replied the first bird.
"We are storks. We are migrating
birds with big snow-white wings be-
tween 3.5-5 feet (one and one-and-
a-half meters) long and long black
tails. It is the red color of our beaks and our long legs that give us
such an attractive appearance."
Hameed agreed. "You really do look
"What people notice most about us is
our flying style," continued the stork. "We fly with
our beaks stretched forward and our legs stretched out
behind. This makes us able to fly much faster by using the
Hameed was curious, "And where are you traveling now?"
"Every year we migrate in large flocks, Hameed, because we
can't live in cold places. In doing this we also bring people the
good news that warm summer days are on the way. During
the summer we live right across a huge area that stretches
from Europe to North Africa and from Turkey to Japan.
When the weather starts to get cold we migrate to
the southern hemisphere, to tropical Africa and

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