Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Hameed was puzzled, "But how do you know when the weather
begins to get colder?"
The stork smiled: "That really is a very good question. Of course,
the answer is that Allah taught us. All at the same time we feel a
need to move to warm countries. Allah makes us
feel that. It is Allah Who shows us the way to fly,
and when fall comes again He makes sure we
can return over a distance of thousands of miles
and find our old homes again. It is Allah with
His inspiration Who
teaches us all these
"It really is very

There is no creature crawling on
the earth or flying creature, flying on its
wings, who are not communities just like your-
selves–We have not omitted anything from the
Book–then they will be gathered to their
Lord. (Surat al-An'am, 38)
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