Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


abeel was watching television after returning home
from school one day. There was a documentary pro-
gram on one channel. Nabeel enjoyed watching documentaries
about animals he had never seen in real life. This time the program
was about seals. Nabeel sat forward and began watching with in-
But suddenly he felt cold. He looked round and realized that he
was now inside the TV picture. Right beside him was the seal he
had just seen on the screen!
"Hello!" he said, shivering a little, to the seal. "It's very cold
here, don't you feel it?"
"You must be new here!" answered the seal.
"It's always cold. It's 23 degrees Fahrenheit
(minus 5 degrees Celsius) at its warmest, even
in spring. That suits me just fine because we
seals love the cold. We never feel it. How
come? Because of our fur, this wonderful coat

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