Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

interesting that you can travel such long distances and
return and find your old nests without making a mistake,
as though you had a compass in your hands," said
Hameed, impressed.
The stork went on, "Of course this kind of powerful
memory and wonderful direction finding ability are the re-
sult of Allah's supreme creation, Who gave them to us."
Hameed had another question for his new friend, "You live close
to human beings, don't you?"
"Yes," replied his friend. "We make our nests on the roofs of
houses. And we build nests on the top of trees and chimneys..."
The other stork then stood up and said, "Sorry, Hameed, we
have to be on our way again."
Hameed watched his new friends grow
smaller and smaller as they flew on
their way.

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