Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


arhan's sister wanted to learn horse riding. At the weekend the
whole family went to a riding school. While his sister, his mother
and his father were talking to the riding teacher, Farhan went to look
at a horse which was eating grass.
"Hello!" said Farhan: "That grass you are eating looks very dirty
and dusty. Doesn't it hurt your teeth?"
The horse looked up and whinnied happily. "No, my little
friend. Our teeth help to break it down. Allah created very long
teeth for us. These teeth have deep roots going right down into our
jawbones. The root part of our teeth is much deeper than
yours. When our teeth wear down the part inside the
bone comes out. Every tooth can lose 1 to 2 inches
(2.5 to 5 cm) without us losing the ability to eat."
Farhan considered a moment, "So thanks to that
characteristic given to you by Allah, you're saved
from losing your teeth in a short time and going hun-
"You're dead right," agreed the horse. "Allah
created every living thing according to the sur-
roundings in which it lives. This is one of
the proofs of His supreme creation.

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