Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

carry heavy loads but also so that I could run fast at the same time.
We don't have collarbones like other animals. This means we can
take longer strides."
Farhan thought it over, "So, Allah created you to carry heavy
loads easily and to be able to run fast."
"Yes, Farhan," agreed his new friend. "Allah created us with
these characteristics so we could be of use to people."
Farhan grinned back, "I'm sure what I have learned from you
will be much more interesting for my sister than learning to ride,
when I tell her about it!"
"Bye bye, little friend," said the horse through a mouthful of de-
licious hay.

It is He Who created all the
species and gave you ships
and livestock for you to
(Surat az-Zukhruf: 12)
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