Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

chance event occurred and a reptile turned into a bird and
started to fly. As for human beings, they are descended from
apes. There is absolutely no truth to this claim. The only truth
is that Allah created us, all other living things, the world and
the universe. Darwin and others who have made his claim
have told a great lie.
Atoms are the smallest particles of which all matter, an-
imate and inanimate, is made up. This means that every-
thing around you, including yourself, has been formed by
the coming together of millions of atoms. Evolutionists (those
who believe that Darwin was right) say that atoms decided
by chance to come together, and that living things thus came
into being. According to this illogical claim, one day, a vio-
lent wind or a hurricane arose and these atoms all joined to-
According to Darwin's scenario, these atoms joined up
to make cells. As you know, every living thing is made up of
cells. These then combine to make our eyes, ears, blood,
heart, and in short, all of our bodies.

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