Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

In this section of the book, we will examine some ideas
held by evolutionists, who do not believe in Allah's existence
and who try to deceive others by claiming that everything
came into being by itself, by chance.
But when someone attempts to deceive someone else,
the truth will always come out in the end. If the person in-
volved is intelligent, he will always be aware he is being lied
to. And because evolutionists tell lies they are inconsistent. In
the following pages we will see how irrational their claims
are, and how their deceit has been revealed.


The theory of evolution is one of those mistaken ideas
put forward by people who do not believe in the existence
of Allah. It was Charles Darwin who originally proposed this
theory, some 150 years ago. According to this illogical the-
ory, everything came into existence by spontaneous, chance
occurrences. For example, according to Darwin, one day,
fish turned into reptiles by chance. Another day, another

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