Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

5 Use some of the words to make a two- or three-word compound. You may have to change a word
from piu rai to singular.

a a window in which things are displayed in a shop
b a ticket you buy so that you can travel on a bus
c a key you use to open the front doar
d a chain you use as part of a bicycle
e a directory which contains a list of telephone numbers
f a case in which YOlican putYOUT glasses
g an engineer who knows how computers wark
h a shelf on which you put books
a bell which rings when there is an alarm
a bus which takes children to and from school

. skopwinJow.


2 Explain what these words mean.
Check in a dictionary.
abus stop adog trainer
afootball shirt kitchen paper
anews report acoffee maker

David Copperfield,the novel by Charles Dickens, is a story of one boy/'s
struggle after losing his parents. Davids father dies when he is young, and
his mother remarries. His stepfather, Mr Murdstone, treats David unkindly,
and he can only find happiness with the Peggoty family, his nurses relatives.
At school, at first he is unhappy but then wins his friends respect. However,
when his mother dies, his stepfather sends him to work in a factory in
London, where the other boys make fun of him. David runs away and walks
to his aunts house in Dover. Here he grows up happily, goes to school and
becomes a clerk in a lawyers office in London. He falls in love with Dora, his
employers daughter, and when his aunts money is lost in a bad investment,
he works writing reports of parliament for the newspapers. Many parts of
the story follow the events of Dickens own life.

Put in eight more missing possessive apostrophes, not counting the example.

1 Make a compound noun from each description.
a lamp you have on your deskaJe..sLlal'1AF
a handle on a door
a jug that contains water
a book you use for writing exercises
the door at the front of the house
a room where computers are used
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