Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2 Underline the correct form.

Many students report that they often feel abored/boringby
studying. This is not bsurprised /surprisingwhen you eonsider how
some students study.A reeent report, whieh many teaehers find
cworried /worrying,suggests that a majority of students listen to
musie at the same time as studying.
However, what experts say about this issue is rather dconfused
/ confusing. Some people study more effeetively when they are
erelaxed /relaxing,and listening to musie may help. Students who
arefworried/worrying by the pressure of sehool may find that
they are in a better mood iftheir musie is playing.When they
beeome more ginterested /interesting in what they are studying,
they do not in faet 'listen' to the musie at all. It just beeomes
baekground noise. On the other hand, there are eertainly students
who find the musie more hentertained /entertoining than their
sehool work, and never really eoneentrate on their work at all.
50 perhaps we shouldn't beisurprised /surprisingto diseover
that listening to musie helps som e but not all, though this ean
also depend on the type of music.And it also depends on what
students are supposed to be studying.Anyone who listens to
musie while trying to read and remember details will almost
eertainly bejdistraeted /distraeting by the musie. 50 in the end,
perhaps it's a matter of'what works for you'.

Seore: / 10

Unit 36 adverbs

Complete the sentence with too, veryorenough.

a Nabody finds studyingve..Ctj easy at the best of times.
b If you are really tired to study, it can be a real effort to force yourself.
eMany students, however, are.. ......disorganized to study effectively.
d If you are.. busy, then you have to make good use of your time.
e It's not good to just sit down at the last minute and study for a long period.
fUsing this method most people become... exhausted to concentrate well.
g It's.. ..... easy to spend hours with books open on the desk, but to achieve little.
h But if you stay up too late studying, you won't be alert........ the following day, which
can add to your problems.
You have to be .. ..... careful to organize learning over a long period.
Studying has to be dane regularly, and divided into sections sa that it is not .. ..tiring.
Score: /10
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