Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
e (such as) The Wild Information page tell s you what you want to know about wild animals.
It includes information about dangerous predators.

f (such as)Science Nawis great magazine which explores the science behind the news.

1 V/hen humans bum vvood, walor petrol, sulphur and nitrogen compounds afe added to the aif, and
these faB in fain and cause changes to the vvateIotlakes and fivefS so that fish die.
2 Sunbathing too much is a risk factor for skin cancer, and smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer.
3 We cannot make oil, which was formed millions of years ago from the remains of ancient sea plants
and animals.
4 why pIane s crash, and why athletes shouldn't use drugs.
5 playing football, getting on a bus, or going to the beach.
6 tigers, cheetahs and great white sharks.
Seore: /6

Unit 46 relative c1auses
Complete the sentenee with whicharwho,ar leave the space blank if this is possible.
a Scientists/AJklO study rocks are known as geologists.
b The genetic information you get from your parents makes you the person you are.
e The light.. leaves the Sun takes eight and a half minutes to reach the Earth.
d Louis Pasteur was a French scientist .. .....studied microbes.
e Cold-blooded animals are animals ... ....rely on heat from the Sun for their body
f Hydrogen is a fuel... space rockets use.
g Breathing is a mechanical process ... ...fills the lungs with air.
h Acid is a substance.. we find in lemons, for example.
Something .... poses a risk to people is known as an environmental hazard.
The metal.... the manufacturers choose depends on their reason for using it.
Seore: / 10

Unit 47 defining and non-defining relative c1auses

Make one sentence from the pair of sentences, usingwhich.

a In the 14th century, Ibn Battuta, the Moroccan explorer, travelled more than 120,000 km on his
journeys. This would be difficult even for a modern traveller.
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oI1.JtiSjoUCl'1.e.Ljs,tllk1.ic.k1./AJDUIJbe....Ji+±/'1.+oca MoJe..Cl'1.lrave..l e..c
b In the early years of the 15th century, European sailors usually refused to sail further south than the
Canary Islands. This was understandable, as they believed that it was too dangerous to go further.
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