Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Thingsare getting better.
I'm havinga great time.

present simple, present continuous: have, am having

  • Use present simple for facts, things that always happen, habits and state meanings.
    RabbitsIivein holes in the ground. Itra velto work by bus.
    IenjoyItalian foad. Ihavethree sisters.

  • Use present continuous for events that are happening at the moment, ar are changing, and for
    action meanings.
    I'mreallyenjoying this party
    "~""' •• ('<ee~lloJ.0 ;:)~ ':'';;';'''.!I'.~'''''~'l!ae:l:l~::!>:: ll- •• ~"'•• "'ee:lell G & ••".~",<; I>ft ~ ~ Ol 1; •• "0\<,,II} e "'1:" •••••••••

1 Underline the correct form.
a When the policestopped/were stopping Smith's
car for a routine check, they realized that he was
the man who robbed/had robbedthe bank.
b I woke up in the middle of the night and
turned on/was turning onthe light. Someone or
something climbed /was climbing in my window!
c Unfortunately Janarrived/was arriving at the
station at 3.25, and found that shemissed /had
missed the train.
d The doctors trzed/had been tryzngtheir best, but
while they were performing the operation, the
patient died/was dying.
e We'd be en wat chin g the film for half an hour
before we realized that wewere making /had made
a terrible mistake. Wewent/had goneinto the
wrong cinema!
f On the morning of the accident, Mr Davisjust
rnished /had just rnzshed a night shift at a local
factory, anddidn't have/hadn't hadany sleep for
24 hours.

g I'm sorry Ididn't answer/wasnIt answering the
phone earlier, but Iwas painting /had been
paznting the ceiling in my bedroom.
h The office Marlowe was visiting was on the 15th
floor, and unfortunately the liftwasnIt working
/ hadn't been working, so by the time he arrived
at the top of the stairs, hewas/had beenout of
On Christmas morning when they woke up/were
waking up,the children looked eagerly out of the
windowo Itsnowed /had been snowing, and the
garden was covered in a thick white carpet.
After the two film starslanded /were landingat the
small airport, they left quickly in a van thatwas
waiting /had been waiting for them since the early

2 Complete the sentence with the past simple ar present perfect form of the verb in brackets.

a I (leave)HHHHH1e,±± my bag on the
train this morning.
b Helen (complete)HHH the
test half an hour before the end.
c The match can't begin yet because the other
team (not arrive)
d We (not play) .................................HH'HH chess for
ages. Do you feellike agame?
e I (like) their last album,
but I'm not keen on the new one.

f When (you go)HHHH to the
cinema last?
g Sam (not take) HH a dayoft
since last April.
h (you see)HHH my wallet? I'm
sure I left it here on the desk.
When (you realize) H'HH that you
wanted to be a musician?
I (have)HH an idea! Why don't
we go skating tomorrow?

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