Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

5 Underline the correct form.

a How ado you get on/are you getting onin Paris?
Sony bI haven't written /I'm not writingbefore
but cI train/I've been training hard for my
basketball team. We dpIayed/have pIayed in a
tournament last week - we ecome/camethird! I
reallyfenjoy/enjoyedtaking part, but gI haven1t
dane/I wasn't doinganything eise for the past
b Unfortunately, when Sarah's big day
harrived /was arriving, things ihave gone/went
disastrously wrong at first. For a start, itjwas
raining/has been rainingand as the traffic was
so heavy, she karrived/was arrivingnearly ten
minutes late for her interview. Then while she
Iwas crossing/has crassedthe road, a passing bus
mspIashed /was spIashing her with wat er.
But inside the building her lu cknchanged
/ has changed. 'Mr Fortescue o isexpecting /
has expectedme,' she pwas telling/toldthe

'He qhasn't arrived/daesn't arriveyet,' she was
told. 'Just take a seat.' Perhaps everything would
be all right after all!
( An art historia n rhas discovered/isdiscovering
two missing paintings by Fra Angelico (c 1395-
1455) in the home of a pensioner from Oxford
who shas died/diedearlier this year. Jean
Prestontbought/has boughtthe paintings when
she uwas working /has been working in America
in the 1960s. Shortly before her death, a friend
vrecognized/has recognizedthem as part of a
gro up of six smalI paintings which Angelico
wpainted /has painted in 1439. Miss Preston
xpaid/was paying about aoofor the pair, but
expertsysay/said they are now worth around
f,1 million.

1 Look through the unit again and find twa examples for each of these tenses: present
simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, present perfect simple,
present perfect continuous, past perfect simple, past perfect continuous.
2 Look at the explanation page again. Choose an example sentence from each section.
Translate it into your language.
Need more practice? Goto theReviewon page 792.



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