Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

C h a p t e r 2 6



y means of letters, we communicate with our friends, enemies, business associ-
ates, or government. In addition, many people choose to express their opinions
regularly in letters to newspaper and magazine editors.

Everyone at one time or another finds it necessary to write business and social let-
ters. It is probably safe to say that the most important writing we do over the course
of our lives is letter writing, whether delivered electronically or in hard copy. Letter
writers deal with everything from huge financial transactions to delicate personal

Letters follow a unique but simple format. This section discusses the following kinds
of letter writing:

-^ business letters, including:

  • personal business letters

  • requests for information

  • letters of complaint

  • letters to accompany a resume
    -^ editorial letters

business letters

Business letters deal with innumerable matters, but most fall into one of two groups:
those that relate to our professional lives and those that relate to business matters in
our personal lives. Although much correspondence is now handled through less for-
mal e-mail [see Chapter 23, E-Mail], electronic forms of communication lack the legal
clarity of hard copy. For matters of serious business, hard copy is always preferable.
Thus, this section offers suggestions with that premise in mind.

By discussing business letters in general and then showing specific variations, this
section guides you through successful business-letter writing.

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