Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

216 / Types of Writing



The preceding letter accompanies the resume sample found in Chapter 35, Resume.
Compare letter and resume samples to better understand the relationship of the
cover letter to the resume itself. In addition, note these features:

  • Like any other business letter, the letter to accompany a resume must maintain
    an immaculate, businesslike appearance and follow proper form.

  • In addition, the letter is really another opportunity to sell yourself as a
    potential employee. Saying something nice about the company certainly will
    not spoil anything. Note the effect of this process in the first paragraph of the

  • Finally, do not repeat all the information included in the resume, but do point
    out the most impressive qualifications and put your best foot forward.

The characteristics, processes, samples, and analyses in this section should enable
you to develop satisfactory business letters.

editorial letters

In a letter to the editor, you can express your opinion about relevant issues and
expect to have a wide audience. While all letters to the editor express an opinion,
some aim to convince; others aim to inform. Some express appreciation or condo-
lences; others question. Some hope to destroy apathy; others unwittingly create it.
Generally, however, people write letters to the editor to voice opinions on issues that
to them, at least, merit the time and effort, and in which the readership may share
an interest.


A letter to the editor includes some of the same characteristics as a business letter;
but to accomplish its purpose, the letter to the editor must meet certain other crite-
ria. In general, a good letter to the editor should

  • be brief, including no more than 300 words in its body (where a word equals
    five characters),

  • address a timely subject,

  • attract the reader’s attention, thus increasing the chances of its being

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