Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court
Ladies(Gu Kaizhi), 190,191, 216
Adoration of the Mag i(Gentile), 552–553,
552, 559
Adoration of the Shepherds(de la Tour), 695,
695, 696
Adoration of the Shepherds(Giovanni
Pisano), 499
Adoration of the Shepherds(Nicola Pisano),
498, 499
Adoration of the Shepherds
(van der Goes), 530
Advantages of Being a Woman Artist, The
(Guerrilla Girls), 993, 993
Aegean, 84, 87, 90; archaeology of, 82;
map of, 82
Aegina: Classical period transition and,
117–118; Temple of Aphaia, 117–118,
117, 118,119, 149
Aegisthus, 119, 274
Aelian, on Polykleitos, 124
Aeneas, 256, 263
Aeneid(Vergil), 154, 304
Aertsen, Pieter,647; work of, 640–641, 640
Aeschylus, 100, 119, 143, 155;Oresteiatrilogy
and, 118
Aesculapius (Asklepios), 101, 143
Africa, 890 (map); early cultures of,
394–398; European colonization of, 399;
peoples/sites of, 394 (map); prehistory of,
394–398, 405
African art, 16; anonymity of, 897; dating,
395; gender roles and, 896; leadership
and, 397; worldwide appreciation of, 395
African Negro Art(MoMA exhibit), 954
African rock art, 394–395,395, 405
Agamemnon, King, 80, 81, 92, 93, 94, 96,
119, 274
Age of art, questions about, 2–3
Agnolo de Cosimo.SeeBronzino
Agora, 100, 130, 146, 147, 153
Agra, Taj Mahal, 342,704,710,710, 717
Agyo statue (Unkei),8-16A
Ahenny, Ireland: South Cross,16-9A
Ain Ghazal, 24, 25, 29; human figure from, 25
Airplane and cow coffins (Joe), 906
Ajanta, 167, 169, 179; Buddha images at,
167, 169
Akbar and the Elephant Hawai(Basawan and
Chatar Muni), 708
Akbar the Great (India), 707–708, 709, 717
Akbarnama(History of Akbar), 707–709, 717

Akhenaton,75;Amarna period and, 73–75;
artistic revolution of, 79; colossus of, 74;
statue of, 73,73, 74
Akkad, 44; Third Dynasty of Ur and, 39–42
Akkadian ruler, head of, 40
Akkadians, 39, 41, 43; art of, 40, 51
Akrotiri, 86, 87,4-9A, 4-9B
Al-Khazneh (“Treasury”), 270,270, 280
Al-Mughira: pyxis of,13-14A
Ala (African earth goddess), 903, 903
Alai Darvaza (Delhi), 706, 706
Alaric, King, 301, 309
Alaska, art of, 862–866
Albers, Josef, 36-11A;work of, 7, 7
Alberti, Leon Battista,514, 548, 549, 577,
588,597, 599, 601, 602, 622,21-43B,
22-6A;Brunelleschi and, 567; Piero della
Francesca and, 572; work of, 566–567,
566, 567,573,573,574, 574
Alexander, Saint: reliquary of, 449–450, 449
Alexander II, Pope, 450
Alexander VI, Pope, 584, 608; Signorelli and,
Alexander VII, Pope, 650, 653
Alexander Mosaic, 142, 252
Alexander the Great, 48, 147, 153, 160, 632,
633, 660; death of, 145, 155; Dura-
Europos and, 289; Egypt and, 77, 78, 79;
head of,140;India and, 157; Lysippos
and, 139, 140; Macedonian court art and,
140–142; Persian conquest by, 49, 51, 137;
portraits of, 140,10-11A, 30-2A
Alexandria, 145, 155, 269, 327; abandonment
of, 341; lighthouse at, 48
Alexandros of Antioch-on-the-Meander:
work of, 150–151, 150
Alhambra, Granada (Spain),340,352–353, 363
Alkyoneos (giant), 148, 154
Allegory of Good Government(Lorenzetti),
Allegory of Law and Grace(Cranach), 631,
631,632, 647
Allegor y of Sight(Rubens and Bruegel the
Allegory of the Art of Painting(Vermeer),
672, 689
Allegri, Antonio.SeeCorreggio
Alloway, Lawrence, 981
Altamira (Spain), 22, 23, 848; animal images
at, 21; bison at,19,22, 56; cave paintings
at, 19–20
Altar of Peace, 257

Altar of Zeus, 147–148, 149, 154; detail from,
148;west front of, 147
Altar to the Hand and Arm (ikegobo),
402–403,403, 897
Altarpiece of Saint Peter(Witz), 536, 536
Altarpiece of the Holy Sacrament(Bouts),
530, 530
Altarpiece with Amitabha, from Xi’an,
Altarpieces, 493, 500, 520, 521, 522, 524, 530,
536, 539
Altdorfer, Albrecht,647; work of,
632–633, 633
Altes Museum, Berlin (Schinkel),30-44A,
Amadioha (African god), 903, 903
Amalienburg lodge (Cuvilliés), 752, 753
Amarna period (Egypt), 73–75, 77
Amaterasu,shrine of,210,211
Ambrose, Saint, 447
Ambum Stone,Papua New Guinea,33-4A
Amen-Re, 68,3-24A;temple of, 70–71,70,
71, 78
Amenemhet, tomb of, 66, 66
Amenhotep III, 73, 74,3-24A
Amenhotep IV, 73
“American Action Painters, The” article, 974
American Gothic(Wood), 957, 957
American Realism, 819, 932
American Scene Painters, 957
American School of Classical Studies, 146
American Sources of Modern Art (Aztec,
Maya, Inca)(MoMA exhibit), 954
Amida (Japan),214,216, 220,220, 735
Amida Descending over the Mountains,
220, 220
Amiens Cathedral (France) (Luzarches,
Cormont, and Cormont), 474–475, 476,
486, 487, 495, 509, 514,18-25A, 19-19A;
choir of,474,490; interior of,474;west
facade of, 475
Amitabha Buddha: altarpiece with,7-13A;in
Japan, 161, 193, 194, 214
Amon, Saint: relics of, 350
Among the Sierra Nevada Mountains,
California(Bierstadt), 796, 797
Amphiprostyle, 109, 133
Amphitheater, Pompeii, 245, 253, 261; aerial
view of,245;brawl in, 246
Amphitheaters, 237, 254, 260, 287
Amphitrite, 253,253, 639

A’a ancestor god, from Rurutu,33-15A
Aachen, 416, 417, 427; Palatine Chapel, 332,
419,419,421, 422, 451,16-20A
Aachen Gospels,folio from, 5
Abakanowicz, Magdalena:work of,
1000, 1000
Abbasids, 342, 347, 348, 353, 356, 363
Abbey in the Oak Forest(Friedrich), 794,794,
Abbey of Citeaux, 439, 443
Abd al-Malik, 344; Dome of the Rock and,
342, 343
Abd al-Rahman, 348, 363
Abduction of the Sabine Women(Giovanni
da Bologna), 618–619,619, 623
Abelam, 876, 887; yam mask of, 876
Abelard, Peter: and Scholasticism, 466
Aboriginals, Australian: Dreamings and, 872,
873, 887
Abraham and Lot, mosaic of, 301, 301
Abstract Expressionism, 873, 972–975, 977,
978–979, 981, 982, 985, 987, 988, 989, 997,
1019, 1025,27-18A, 36-5A, 36-7A,
36-21A, 36-31A
Abstract painting, 4
Abu Simbel, 70, 71, 77; Temple of Ramses II,
68–69, 69
Abul Hasan:work of,26-5A
Accademia del Disegno: Gentileschi and, 662
Achaemenid animal sculpture,2-25A, 6-6A
Achaemenid dynasty, 48, 51, 162
Achilles, 112, 114, 115
Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game
(Andokides Painter),115;(Exekias), 115
Achilles Killing Penthesilea (Exekias),
Achilles Painter,5; work of, 134–135, 135
Acropolis, 91, 109, 125–134,127, 128, 129,
130, 131, 132, 133,143, 147; aerial view
of,126;Persian sack of, 48, 125, 128, 155;
restored view of, 126
Action painting, 973, 974
Actium, 145, 254, 255, 287
Adad, 33; bull of, 47
Adam, Robert, 29-26A;work of, 766,
766, 767
Adam and Eve, 294, 336, 410, 424, 449, 524,
529, 549; art about, 293; death of, 331;
expulsion of, 555
Adam and Eve(Wiligelmo), 452, 452
Adams Memorial (Saint-Gaudens), 843, 843
Adena culture, 388, 389



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Figure numbers in boldrefer to thumbnail images and related text on the book’s premium website, ArtStudy Online.
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