Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Credits 1065

Dist. Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY, Art © Louise Bourgeois/Licensed by
VAGA, NY;36-19:Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago, © 2008 The Estate of Eva
Hesse/Galerie Hauser & Wirth, Zürich;36-20:Photo © The Bridgeman Art Library, © 2008
Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/DACS, London;36-21:Digital Image © The Museum of
Modern Art/Licensed by Scala/Art Resource, NY, 106.1973, Art © Jasper Johns/ Licensed by
VAGA, NY;36-21A:© DACS/The Bridgeman Art Library. © Jasper Johns/Licensed by ARS,
New York;36-22:Art © Robert Rauschenberg/Licensed by VAGA, NY;36-23:Oeffentliche
Kunstsammlung Basel, Photo Martin Bühler, © Estate of Roy Lichtenstein;36-24:Photo
© 2004 The Whitney Museum of American Art, © 2008 Andy Warhol Foundation for the
Visual Arts/ARS, NY;36-24A:Photo © National Gallery of Canada © George Segal/Licensed
by VAGA, New York;36-25:Photo © Tate Gallery, London/Art Resource, NY, © 2008 Andy
Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts/ARS, NY, Marilyn Monroe Estate/Curtis Management
Agency;36-25A:© Marisol Escobar/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY;36-26:Photo © Estate
of Rudolph Burkhardt, Art © Claes Oldenburg;36-26A:Courtesy of the Oldenburg Van
Bruggen Foundation © 2009 Claes Oldenburg. Photograph © 2008 Fred S. Kleiner;36-26B:
NIKI DE SAINT-PHALLE © 2011 Niki Charitable Art Foundation. All rights reserved/ARS,
NY/ADAGP, Paris. Photograph: © Whitney Museum of American Art, New York;36-27:Photo
© University of Arizona Museum, Tucson, © Audrey Flack;36-28:Photo © Walker Art Center,
Minneapolis, © Chuck Close;36-29: Photo by Anne Gold, Art © Estate of Duane Hanson/
Licensed by VAGA, NY;36-30:Photo © Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, © 2008 Susan Rothen-
berg/Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY;36-31:Photo courtesy Broad Art Foundation and the
Pace Gallery, NY, © Julian Schnabel;36-31A:JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT © Estate of Jean-
Michel Basquiat/ADAGP, Paris/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photograph: © Broad
Foundation, Santa Monica;36-32:Photo © Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1985-5-1, © Anselm
Kiefer;36-33:Photo © The Brooklyn Museum, © 2008 Judy Chicago/ Artists Rights Society
(ARS), NY;36-34:© Miriam Schapiro, courtesy Flomenhaft Gallery, NY;36-35:© Cindy
Sherman, courtesy the artist and Metro Pictures;36-36:© Barbara Kruger, courtesy Mary
Boone Gallery, NY;36-37:Courtesy of the Estate of Ana Mendieta and Galerie Lelong, NY;
36-38:Courtesy Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, NY, Art © Marsie, Emanuelle, Damon and Andrew
Scharlatt/Licensed by VAGA, NY;36-39:Copyright © 1988 Guerrilla Girls, courtesy www;36-40:Photo © Whitney Museum of American Art, © Kiki Smith,36-41:
© 1983 Faith Ringgold;36-42:© Lorna Simpson;36-43:Photo © Smithsonian American Art
Museum, Washington, D.C./Art Resource, NY, © Melvin Edwards;36-44:© Chris Ofili, courtesy
Chris Ofili-Afroco and Victoria Miro Gallery, photo by Stephen White;36-44A:Courtesy Art +
Commerce. © The Estate of Robert Mapplethorpe;36-45:Photo Scott Frances © Esto, All
rights reserved, © David Hammons;36-46:Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA, Museum
Purchase, 93.2, © Jaune Quick-to-See Smith;36-47:Courtesy Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Art

© Estate of Leon Golub/Licensed by VAGA, NY;36-48:Courtesy of the Estate of David Woj-
n a r o w i c z a n d P. P. O. W. G a l l e r y , N Y ;36-49:© Krzysztof Wodiczko, courtesy Galerie Lelong, NY;
36-50:© Magdalena Abakanowicz, courtesy Marlborough Gallery, NY;36-51:Museum of
Contemporary Art, Chicago, © Jeff Koons;36-52:San Francisco, Museum of Modern Art, Art
© Estate of Robert Arneson/Licensed by VAGA, NY;36-53:© Mark Tansey, courtesy Gagosian
Gallery, NY;36-54:Photo Philippe Migeat © CNAC/MNAM/Dist. Réunion des Musées Na-
tionaux/Art Resource, NY; © 2008 Hans Haacke/Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/VG Bild-
Kunst, Bonn;36-55:Photo © Angelo Hornak/CORBIS, © 2008 Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation,
Scottsdale, AZ/Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY; 36-56:Photo © akg-images/L. M. Peter,
© 2008 Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/ADAGP, Paris/FLC;36-57:Photo © Francis G. Mayer/
CORBIS, © 2008 Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/ADAGP, Paris/FLC;36-58:Photo © Dmitri
Kessel/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images;36-59:Photo © Michelle Chaplow/CORBIS;36-60:
Photo © Angelo Hornak/CORBIS, © 2008 Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/VG Bild-Kunst,
Bonn;36-61:Photo © Alan Schein Photography/CORBIS;36-62:Photo © Kokyat Choong/
The Image Works;36-62A:Robert O’Dea/akg-images;36-63:Photo © Robert Holmes/
CORBIS;;36-63B:A. Wolfe/Photo Researchers, Inc.;36-64:Photo
© Ambient Images, Inc./ Alamy;36-65:Photo Peter Aaron© Esto;36-66:© Robert Venturi,
John Rauch, and Denise Scott Brown;36-67:Photo © The Art Archive/Dagli Orti;36-67A:
© Martin Jones; Ecoscene/CORBIS;36-68:Photo Saskia Cultural Documentation;36-69:
Photo © Rolf Haid/dpa/CORBIS;36-70:Photo © Jacques Pavlovsky/CORBIS SYGMA;36-71:
© The Denver Art Museum;36-71A:akg-images/Hilbich;36-72:Courtesy James Cohan
Gallery, Art © Estate of Robert Smithson/Licensed by VAGA, NY, photo Gianfranco Gorgoni;
36-73:© 1983 Christo photo Wolfgang Volz. Christo and Jeanne-Claude;36-74:Photo © Burt
Roberts, courtesy of Harriet Senie, © 2008 Richard Serra/Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY;
36-75:© Kazuo Shiraga;36-76:Photo © Al Geise, © 2008 Carolee Schneemann/Artists Rights
Society (ARS), NY;36-77:Photo © Ute Klophaus, © 2008 Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/VG
Bild-Kunst, Bonn;36-78:© 2008 Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/ADAGP, Paris;36-79:
© Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by Scala/Art Resource, NY,
383.1970.a-c, © 2008 Joseph Kosuth/Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY;36-80:© 2008 Bruce
Nauman/Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY;36-80A:© Ted Thai/Time & Life Pictures/Getty
Images;36-81:Courtesy Nam June Paik Studios, Inc.;36-82:Adrian Piper Research Archives;
36-83:© Bill Viola, Photo: Kira Perov;36-84:© 1979 David Em;36-85:Solomon R. Guggen-
heim Museum, NY, Gift of the artist, The Jay and Donatella Chiat Collection, and purchased
with funds contributed by the International Director’s Council and Executive Members, 1996,
96.4499, Photograph by David Heald © The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, NY;36-86:
© Tony Oursler, courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures, NY.
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