Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1070 Index

292; risen,12-15A;transfiguration of,
321, 322, 325
Christ as Good Shepherd, 292,292,293, 294,
295,11-8A;mosaic of, 302,302;statue
Christ as Last Judge, 439, 440, 459, 475
Christ as Pantokrator,310,330, 332, 339,
Christ as Savior of Souls, 337, 337
Christ as Sol Invictus: mosaic,11-13A
Christ before Pilate, 306
Christ blessing: icon of,12-18A
Christ blessing Otto II and Theophanu,
plaque (Ottonian),16-28A
Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom
to Saint Peter(Perugino),568,569,
577, 595
Christ enthroned: from Godescalc Lectionary,
Christ in Majesty, 436,444,17-7A
Christ in the House of Levi(Veronese),
616, 616
Christ on the Cross(Velázquez),24-27A
Christ with the Sick around Him, Receiving
the Children(Rembrandt), 686, 686
Christian art, 592; Constantine and, 309;
Jewish subjects in, 293,18-52A;subjects
of,11-10A, 11-13A;symbols in, 4–5
Christian community house, 291, 309;
cutaway view of, 291
Christianity, 31, 168, 169, 290, 587, 909, 1022;
African art and, 906; establishment of,
291; in Ethiopia, 400; Islam and, 343;
missionaries and, 406; patronage of, 494;
recognition of, 282, 287, 312; Renaissance
ideas about, 594; Roman Empire and,
407; sponsorship of, 295; Visigoths
and, 415
Christo,1025; work of, 1015,1015. See also
Christopher, Saint,20-21A
Christ’s Entry into Brussels in 1889(Ensor),
Christus, Petrus,539, 638,20-14B;work of,
529–530, 529
Chromatic abstraction, 973, 1025
Chronica(Gervase of Canterbury), 435
Chronik der Brücke(Kirchner), 913
Chryselephantinesculpture, 89, 89
Chrysler Building (van Alen), 964,965,1024,
Church, Frederic Edwin,819; work of,
797–798, 797
Church of Christ in Chora, 336, 337, 339;
fresco from, 336
Church of the Dormition, 330; mosaic from,
310, 330
Church of the Holy Apostles, 331
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 342, 432
Church of the Holy Wisdom.SeeHagia
Church of the Theotokos, 329; plan of, 328
Church of the Virgin, 322; mosaic from, 322
Churchill, Sir Winston,29-2A
Chuuk, art of, 878
Cimabue (Cenni de Pepo),498, 503, 504,
517,19-5B;contract with, 506; work of,
501–502, 502
Circus Maximus, Rome,238,264; relief from,
Cire perdue(lost-wax) process, 122
Cistercians, 420, 438, 439, 443, 459, 487;
Crusades and, 442
Citadel, 368,369,370, 370
City, The(Léger), 926
City of God, 461
City of Peace, 347

City-states, 32, 36, 43, 50, 118, 155, 223;
decline of, 145; Etruscan, 234; Italian,
502, 503, 507, 511, 569
Civil rights movement, 970, 995, 996, 1025
Civil War (U.S.), 798; photographs of, 817,
818; Winslow Homer and, 806
Claesz, Pieter,679, 703, 816; work of, 690, 690
Clarkson, Thomas, 795
Classical art, 235, 283, 581; decline of, 287;
Enlightenment and, 767; Etruscans and,
231–232; revival of, 497
Classical Greece, 82, 100, 431, 548
Classical order, 461, 473, 517; Augustan art
and, 287; Renaissance and, 517
Classical period: Etruscan, 224; Renaissance
and, 577; transition to, 117–118
Classicism, 549, 637, 645, 692; influence of,
781; revival of, 765
Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellée),8, 703,
29-27A;work of,8,693–694, 693
Claude Monet in His Studio Boat(Manet),
Claudius, 239, 260
Clement, Saint: icon from, 337, 337
Clement of Alexandria,11-13A
Clement V, Pope, 501
Clement VII, Pope, 501, 592, 596,22-43A
Cleopatra, Queen, 53, 255, 287; death of, 145,
155, 254
Clerestory, 71, 446, 467, 468,469;
described, 469
Cliff Palace,390,391, 861
Clock Tower, 811
Clodion (Claude Michel), 30-4A;work of,
757, 757
Cloisonné technique, 329, 409, 429
Cloisters, 437, 438; detail from,438;
view of, 438
Close, Chuck,1025; on portrait painting/
photography, 986; work of, 986, 986
Clouet, Jean:work of, 635, 635
Cluniac order, 436, 439, 459; manuscripts
illustration in,17-15A
Cluny III, 436–437, 439, 443, 445, 446;
restored cutaway view of, 437
Clytaemnestra, 119, 274
Coalbrookdale Bridge (Darby and
Pritchard), 759,759, 775
Coatlicue, 856, 857,857, 869
Codex Colbertinus:folio from,17-15A
Codex Mendoza(Aztec),32-3A
Codices, 305, 426–427,427,854, 854
Coeur, Jacques, 519, 534; house of, 480,
480, 495
Cohen, Judy.SeeChicago, Judy
Coins: bronze, 184; Constantinian, 286,286;
Roman,244, 254
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 696–697
Cole, Thomas,819; work of, 796, 796
Colegio de San Gregorio, portal of, 644, 644
Colima tombs (Mexico), contents of, 368
Collage, 7, 922
Collage Arranged According to the Laws of
Chance(Arp), 929, 929
Collectors of art,25-2A, 29-22A
College of Cardinals, Great Schism and, 501
College of the Sapienza, 656
Colleoni, Bartolommeo, 551–552
Cologne Cathedral (Gerhard of Cologne),
445, 489–490,489,494, 495, 514,18-47A;
choir of,489, 490;Gero crucifix and,
Colonial empires, map of, 910
Colonialism, 872, 920
Color: complementary, 7, 832; flat, 221; local,
824; Matisse on, 912; mixing of, 824;
primary, 7, 832; psychological dimension
of, 832; secondary, 824, 832; simultaneous

contrasts of, 832; theory, 19th-century,
832; van Gogh on, 834
Color-field painting, 976–977
Colossal heads, 367, 367
Colossal order,29-2A
Colosseum,238,260–261, 287, 567, 601,
22-31A;aerial view of,260;detail of, 236
Colossus of Constantine, 283–284
Colossus of Nero,238,261, 275
Colossus of Rhodes, 48
Columba, Saint, 410
Column(Gabo), 949, 949
Column of Antoninus Pius, 272–273, 280,
281; pedestal of, 272
Column of Trajan,238, 264,265,265,287,
418, 425, 456, 457,10-44A, 10-47A,
11-20A, 29-25A
Columns, 10; Corinthian, 240, 245, 268,
269, 780, 812; Doric, 146, 225; engaged,
348, 436, 567; fluted, 66–67, 79;
monolithic, 110
Comic books and strips, 983, 1025
Commentarii(Ghiberti), 461
Commentary on the Apocalypse(Beatus),
415, 440; colophon of, 415
Commission of Fine Arts: Vietnam memorial
and, 1007
Commodus, 239, 276,10-59A;portrait bust
Communist Manifesto, The(Marx and
Engels), 821
Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq,
The (Night Watch)(Rembrandt), 684, 684
Complexity and Contradictions in
Architecture(Venturi), 1008
Composite view, 23, 394
Composition, 6
Composition in Red, Blue, and Yellow
(Mondrian), 950, 950
Computer art, 12, 1017
Computer graphics, 1021, 1022–1023, 1025
Comte, Auguste, positivism and, 798
Conceptual Art, 1017, 1020–1021, 1025,
Concerning the Spiritual in Art
(Kandinsky), 915
Concrete construction, 241,241, 245
Confraternities, 292, 501, 506
Confronting lions and palm tree
(textile), 350
Confucianism, 184, 186, 204, 205, 210
Conques, France: Sainte-Foy,17-4A
Consequences of War(Rubens), 676,677;
Rubens on, 677
Constable, John,795, 797, 819; work of,
794, 795
Constantine I (“the Great”), 239, 282–286,
298, 308, 326, 415, 450, 494, 574, 597, 650,
652; baptism of, 294, 309; Basilica Nova
and, 284; Christian art and, 309; Christi-
anity and, 295, 312; Constantinople and,
309; edict by, 291; iconographic tradition
and, 428,10-48A;New Rome and, 311;
portrait of,284;relief of, 283; rise of, 287;
Rome of, 238; Saint Peter and, 569; Santa
Constanza and, 300
Constantine XI, 311
Constantinian churches, 295, 298–300
Constantinople, 301, 312, 332, 450; attacks on,
327; Basilica of Constantine, 313; building/
restoration in, 339; Church of Christ in
Chora, 336,336,337, 339; Church of Saints
Sergius and Bacchus, 316; Church of the
Holy Apostles, 331; Church of the Holy
Sepulchre, 342, 432; Constantine and, 309;
Crusaders in, 335, 339; establishment of,
282, 287, 311; fall of, 338, 499, 572, 602;

Charlemagne (continued)
equestrian portrait of, 416,416;Leo III
and, 415; Lombards and, 447; official seal
of, 416;renovatioof, 497
Charles I, King (England), 674, 678, 678
Charles I Dismounted(Van Dyck), 678
Charles II, King (England), 702
Charles IV, King (France), 485, 786, 787,
Charles V, King (France), 532, 539, 636
Charles V, King (Spain), 635, 637, 647, 674;
El Escorial and, 645; Spanish Empire
and, 643
Charles VI, King, 526
Charles VII, King, 480, 534
Charles X, King, 791
Charles the Bald, 418, 422, 538; equestrian
portrait of, 416, 416
Charlottesville (Va.), Rotunda and Lawn,
772, 773
Chartres Cathedral,460,465–466,465,467,
470–471,470,472–473,472,474, 476,
495, 546,18-2A, 18-23A, 18-25A;aerial
view of,470;after 1194, 470–471; influ-
ence of, 474; plan of, 469,470,471; rose
window at,460,472,472;Royal Portal,
465–466,465,466,467,468, 472–473,
476, 495; south transept of, 472–473;
west facade of, 465
Chartreuse de Champmol, 520–522, 539;
statues on portal of the chapel (Sluter),
Chatar Muni,709; work of, 708, 708
Château de Chambord, 636,636, 647
Chateaubriand, François René de, 782, 810
Chauvet, Jean-Marie, 22
Chauvet Cave, paintings in, 22, 22
Chavín de Huántar, 380–381, 391; Old
Temple of, 381;Raimondi Stelefrom,
381, 381
Chavín staff god, 385
Chevalier, Étienne, 534
Chevreul, Michel Eugène, 793, 832
Cheyenne, quillworking by, 863
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Bombay
(Stevens), 712–713,712, 717
Chi-rho-iota (XPI) page, 414, 414
Chiaroscuro, 583, 616, 623, 628, 658, 659;
development of, 505
Chibinda Ilunga figure, Chokwe,34-8A
Chicago: Carson, Pirie, Scott Building, 850,
850;Marshall Field wholesale store, 849,
849;Robie House, 965–966,965;Sears
Tower, 1006, 1006
Chicago, Judy (Judy Cohen),1025; on
Dinner Party,990; work of, 989–990, 990
Chichén Itzá, 376–378, 853; ball court at, 372
Chigi, Agostino, 586, 587
Chilkat blankets, 866,866, 869
Chimera of Arezzo, 231–232, 231
Chinese Lions(Eitoku),739, 749
Chios: head of woman from,5-62A
Chiswick House (Boyle and Kent), 770–771,
771,772, 773, 775
Choir, 11
Chokwe: ancestor statue,34-8A
Chola dynasty, 170, 171, 173, 174
Chong Son:work of, 732, 732
Chopin, Frédéric, 790
Choragic Monument (Lysikrates), 144, 145
Choson dynasty, 731–732, 733
Christ (Jesus), 293, 301, 304, 308, 335, 412;
baptism of, 293, 294; childhood of, 296;
crucifixion of, 5, 309; death of, 306, 334;
images of, 326,11-5B, 11-8A, 12-18A,
23-4A;incarnation of, 296; life of,
296–297, 303, 425, 505; martyrdom of,
320; passion of, 297, 335; prefiguration of,

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