Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1071

Crucifixion, 294–295, 306, 308, 315, 330, 331,
412, 414,418,424; art about, 297; mosaic
of,330;representation of, 307; symbolism
of, 5
Crucifixion(Naumburg Cathedral),18-49A
Crucifixion and Resurrection, Rabbula
Crucifixionscene (Grünewald), 626,627, 628
Cruciform, 302, 331, 562
Crusades, 335, 339, 362, 438, 441, 442, 450,
463, 482
Crystal Palace (Paxton), 759, 812–813,813,
819, 1011,36-67A
Ctesiphon, 49, 347, 353; palace at, 50
Cubi XIX(D. Smith), 978, 978
Cubiculum, 246, 247, 248,249,270, 292, 292
Cubiculum Leonis, Rome,11-5B
Cubism, 4, 906, 908, 918–926, 934, 948, 950,
953, 967, 972, 977,31-20A, 35-34A,
35-54A;Analytic, 921, 935; Cosmic, 935;
Picasso on, 924; Synthetic, 922, 925–926,
935, 936, 937, 955
Cubism and Abstract Art(MoMA
exhibition), 954
Cuckoo Flying over New Verdure(Buson),
743, 743
Cult statues, 109, 295
Cumul I(Bourgeois), 980, 980
Cuneiform, 32, 36, 39
Cupid (Eros, Amor), 255, 275, 486, 560, 677,
750,756,757; Venus and, 613
Cupid a Captive(Boucher), 756
Cupid and Psyche(Canova),30-4A
Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada through the
Last Weimar Beer Belly Cultural Epoch of
Germany(Höch), 931, 931
Cutaways, 12
Cuvilliés, François de:work of, 752, 753
Cuyp, Aelbert,703; work of, 686, 687
Cuzco, 858, 859–860, 869; Temple of the Sun,
859,859, 860
Cycladic figurines, 82–83,83,84, 95, 97,4-8A
Cyclopean masonry, 91, 97
Cyclopes, 91, 92
Cyclops, The(Redon), 840, 840
Cylindrical bone ornaments, 882, 882

Dacian Wars, 264, 265
Dada, 928–932, 940, 972, 980, 983, 1017;
pessimism of, 928, 948; Surrealism and,
943, 944
Dadaists, 931, 945, 948, 967,35-27A,
36-80A;manifestos of, 928–929
Daddi, Bernardo, 19-19B
Daedalus (legendary Greek artist), 105, 106,
Daggers, 94–95,95, 97
Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé,814, 819;
work of, 815, 815
Daguerreotypes, 713, 814, 815–816
Daibutsuden, 214,214, 221
Dalí, Salvador,943,953,35-50A;work of,
946, 946
Damascus, Great Mosque, 344–345,344, 345
Damned Cast into Hell(Signorelli), 570, 570
Dance, The(Carpeaux),31-31A
Dance, The(Derain), 913, 913
Dante Alighieri, 481, 502, 507, 541, 783, 791,
810, 844
Daodejing (The Way and Its Power)
(Laozi), 186
Daoism, 184, 186, 205
Daphni, Church of the Dormition,310,
330, 330
Daphni Crucifixion, 330, 330
Daphni Pantokrator, 330,12-22A

Daphnis of Miletos:work of, 145–146, 145
Darbar of Jahangir(Abul Hasan and
Darby, Abraham, III:work of, 759, 759
Darius I, King, 48, 51
Darius III, King, 48, 98, 142, 632
Dark Ages, 96, 100, 784
Darwin, Charles, 817, 822
Darwinism, 821–822
Das Staatliche Bauhaus, 962
Daughters of Edward Darley Boit, The
(Sargent), 807, 807
Daumier, Honoré,802,803, 816, 819, 956;
photography and, 815; printmaking and,
801; work of, 801–802,801, 814
David, Jacques-Louis,775, 786, 788, 792,
793,30-2B, 30-15A;French Revolution
and, 769; on Greek style/public art, 768;
Napoleon and, 779, 819; Neoclassicism
and, 781, 819; students of, 781–783; work
of, 768–769,768, 769,777, 779,779,
David(Bernini), 653–654,653,24-7A
David(Donatello), 549,549,550, 577, 591,
653,21-12A;transfer of, 590
David(Michelangelo), 590–591,590,592,
623, 653, 654, 978
David(Verrocchio), 549–550,550,590, 591,
653, 654
David and Samuel, mural of,291, 304
David composing the Psalms, 334
Davies, Arthur B., 918, 934
Davis, Stuart:work of, 936, 936
“De,”many names with “de,” “del,” “di” and the
like are listed under next element of name,
e.g.“Chirico, Giorgio de,” 1222
De architectura(Vitruvius), 602
De Chirico, Giorgio, 35-50A;work of,
943–944, 944
De imitatione statuarum(Rubens), 675
de Kooning, Willem,983,989, 1025,36-7A;
work of, 974–975, 974
de la Tour, Georges,694; work of,
695–696, 695
De Stijl, 948–950, 962, 964, 967; defining, 961
De Stijl(magazine), 950
de Zayas, Marius, 924
Dead Christ(Mantegna), 576
Death: personification of, 5; symbol of, 806
Death and Assumption of the Virgin(Stoss),
534, 535
Death and Life of Great American Cities, The
(Jacobs), 1008
Death and the Maiden(Baldung Grien),
Death of General Wolfe(West), 764, 764
Death of Marat(David), 769, 769
Death of Sardanapalus(Delacroix), 790,790,
791, 819
Death of the Virgin, Strasbourg, 491
Decameron(Boccaccio), 502
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
(Gibbon), 767
Deconstructivism, 987, 1002, 1011–1013,
Decorative arts, 846–850, 851
Decursio, 272,272, 273
Deer Park, 161, 165, 167
Degas, Edgar,818, 842,31-7A, 31-14A,
35-11A;Impressionism and, 851;
influence of, 831; Japanese art and, 829,
31-11A;photography and, 815, 816, 828;
work of, 828–830,828, 829
Degenerate art, 945, 953
Deir el-Bahri, Temple of Hatshepsut,
67–68, 67
Déjeuner en fourrure, Le(Oppenheim),
946, 947

Déjeuner sur l’Herbe, Le(Manet), 803–804,
Del Monte, Cardinal,24-18A
Delacroix, Eugène,776,783,794,803,816,
819, 836,31-23A;in Morocco, 792; Nadar
and, 817; photography and, 815; Roman-
ticism and, 790; work of, 790–793,790,
791, 792,30-18A, 30-19A
Delaroche, Paul, 815
Delaunay, Robert:work of, 921–922, 922
Delaware residence (Venturi,Rauch,and
Brown), 1010, 1010
Delhi sultanate, 174, 342, 705–706, 717
Delian League, 125, 127, 129
Della Robbia, Andrea,565,21-30A
Della Robbia, Luca,564, 565; work of,
Delphi: sanctuary of Apollo, aerial view,
5-18A;Siphnian Treasury, 113,113,
133, 148
Demoiselles d’Avignon, Les(Picasso),
919–920,919,920, 921, 954,31-20A,
35-2A, 35-11A
Demosthenes (Polyeuktos), 152–153, 152
Demuth, Charles,967,35-62A;work of,
937, 937
Denarius, 244
Denver Art Museum (Libeskind), 1013, 1013
Deogarh, Vishnu Temple, 170,170,176, 179
Departure of the Volunteers of 1792(Rude),
793, 793
Deposition(Rogier van der Weyden), 527, 527
Depth, illusion of, 9
Der Blaue Reiter, 915, 916, 922, 935
Der Jugend, 846
Der Krieg (The War)(Dix), 942, 942
Der Sturm, 911
Derain, André,934,35-34A;work of, 913,
Derrida, Jacques, 987
Descartes, René, 700, 757
Descent from the Cross(Pontormo), 613
Descent of the Ganges River(or Penance of
Arjuna), rock-cut relief (Mamallapuram),
Dessau, Shop Block, 962, 962
Devi, 168, 171,6-21B
Diamond World mandara, 215, 221
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 855, 856
Diderot, Denis,761; on Chardin/
Naturalism, 760; work of, 758
Didyma, Temple of Apollo, 145–146,145, 155
Die(Smith),978, 979
Die Brücke, 913, 914, 915, 926,35-6A
Dijon, Chartreuse de Champmol,
520–522, 539
Dilukai, 878, 879,879, 887
Dinner Party, The(Chicago), 989–990,990,
1025; Chicago on, 990
Dio Cassius, 260; on Hadrian/
Apollodorus, 269
abdication of, 282; Christianity and, 291;
mausoleum of, 282, 451; palace of, 346,
11-18A;tetrarchy and, 280–282
Diogenes, 586, 587
Dione, 101, 129, 129
Dionysius, Saint, 462
Dionysius of Halicarnassus: on Tusci, 223
Dionysos (Bacchus), 101, 129,129,136,136,
138,138,143, 151, 248
Dioscurides, 275, 304
Dioskorides (Vienna), 324
Diptych of Martin van Nieuwenhove
Diptych of the Symmachi, 308; leaf of, 308
Dipylon cemetery, 102, 134
Dipylon Gate, 130

Hagia Sophia, 313–314,313,315, 324,
327–328, 329, 339, 354, 355, 363, 419, 471,
474, 1004; Ottoman Turks and, 311, 336,
339, 341, 355, 363; patriarch of, 320;
Ravenna and, 316
Constantius Chlorus, 282, 285
Constitution Garden, 1007
Constructivism, 948–950, 961, 967
Contarelli Chapel, 660
Continuous narration, 265,10-47A,
Contrapposto, 127, 155, 545, 549
Conversion of Saint Paul(Caravaggio),
659–660,659, 661
Cook Islands, art of, 882
Copán: ball court at, 372,372;Great Plaza,
373; Stele D, Ruler 13, 373, 373
Copley, John Singleton:work of,
764–765, 764
Corbie Gospels:folio from,17-15B
Córdoba, 352, 363, 415; Great Mosque,
348–349,348, 349, 363
Corfu, Temple of Artemis, 48, 112,112, 230
Corinthians, black-figure technique and,
104, 114
Cormont, Renaud de:work of, 474,474, 475
Cormont, Thomas de:work of, 474,474, 475
Cornaro Chapel (Bernini), 654; interior of,
648, 654
Corneille, Pierre, 769
Cornelia Presenting Her Children as Her
Treasures, or Mother of the Gracchi
(Kauffmann), 767, 767
Cornered(Piper), 1022, 1022
Coronation Gospels,417, 449; folio of, 417
Coronation of Napoleon(David), 779, 779
Correggio (Antonio Allegri):work of,
618, 618
Correspondence littéraire:Diderot in, 760, 761
Cortés, Hernán, 366, 643, 855; Aztecs and,
860, 869; Moctezuma II and, 853, 857
Cortese, Paolo: on Federico
da Montefeltro, 570
Corvey, 421; westwork of,421, 422
Cosmic Buddha, 214
Cosmic Cubism, 935
Council of Clermont, 442
Council of Ephesus, 301
Council of Nicaea, 282
Council of Trent, 596, 649
Counter-Reformation, 616, 649, 650, 651,
652, 654, 655, 661, 664, 665, 667, 679, 685;
art and, 671; Catholic Church and, 625;
Jesuits and, 622; martyrdom scenes
and, 666; religious art of, 596
Courbet, Gustave,803, 809, 816, 819,
822, 918; photography and, 815; on
Realism, 799; rejection of, 823; work
of, 798–800, 798
Courier du dimanche:Courbet’s letter in, 799
Court of Gayumars
(Sultan-Muhammad), 359
Coyolxauhqui, 856–857,856, 869
Coypel, Antoine:work of, 700, 700
Cranach, Lucas, the Elder,647; work of,
Cranmer, Doug:work of, 865, 865
Creation of Adam(Michelangelo), 594–595,
594,623, 660
Creglingen Altarpiece(Riemenschneider),
535, 535
Cremaster cycle(Barney),968, 1024
Crete, palace sites on, 84
Crimean War, photographs of, 817
Crocus gatherers (Akrotiri),4-9B
Crossing, The(Viola), 1022, 1022
Crossing square, 421, 562
Crossing towers, 302, 446, 447

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