Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1077

Late Byzantine, 3; art of, 335–338, 339;
painting of, 336–338, 393
Late Classical period, 137–145, 155, 478;
architecture of, 143–145; sculpture of,
Late Gothic, 488, 489, 495, 534, 553, 577, 644;
architecture of, 516, 535; Italian
humanism and, 552; popularity of, 539
Late Horizon period, 380, 858
Late Renaissance, 579–611, 622, 623
Late Roman Empire, 239, 287, 421; art of,
Later Islamic architecture and art, 352–362
Lateral section, 11, 12
Latrobe, Benjamin, 773
Laurentian Library (Michelangelo),
620–621, 621
Laussel (France), female figure from, 18, 18
Law (Justice),frescoes of (Raphael), 586
Lawrence, Jacob,967; work of, 956–957, 957
Lawrence, Saint, 302, 645
Le Bonheur de Vivre (The Joy of Life)
Le Brun, Charles,703, 752, 753; work of,
697,697,698,698, 699
Le Corbusier,747, 925, 967, 1002, 1025;
work of, 963–964,964,1004, 1004
Le Nain, Louis:work of, 694, 694
Le Nôtre, André:work of, 698–699
Le Tuc D’Audoubert, bison at, 18, 19
Le Vau, Louis:work of, 697, 697
Leach, Bernard: Hamada Shoji ceramics
and, 748
Leaning Tower: Pisa Cathedral and, 451
Learning from Las Vegas(Venturi), 1010
Lectionary of Henry II,427; folio from, 427
LED technology.SeeLight-emitting diode
Ledger paintings, 867–868,868, 869
Legalism, 184, 185
Legend of the True Cross (Piero della
Legends of Mount Shigi,217–218; flying
storehouse from, 218
Léger, Fernand,953; Purism and, 925–926;
work of, 925–926,926,35-22A
Lehmbruck, Wilhelm,945,35-10A;
Armory Show and, 934; work of,
916–917, 917
Leibl, Wilhelm:work of, 805, 805
Lemoine, J. B.:work of, 752
Lenin, Vladimir, 910
Leo III, Emperor: iconoclasm and, 327, 339
Leo III, Pope, 415, 429
Leo X, Pope, 587, 592,22-11A
León, Spain: cathedral,18-25A
Leonardo da Vinci,498, 523, 541, 550, 562,
585, 587, 594, 595, 597, 608, 612, 618, 623,
635, 639, 929,22-8A;anatomical studies
by, 583–584; atmospheric perspective
and, 547; death of, 578, 584; Dürer and,
628, 629; imitation and, 553; Isabella and,
611; linear perspective and, 547; on
painting/ sculpture, 588; work of,
580–584,581, 582, 583,22-3A, 22-6A
Lepcis Magna, Arch of Septimus Severus,
277,277, 291
Lérida, Santa María de Mur, 444–445
Lescot, Pierre,647, 697,23-12A; work of,
636–637, 636
Lespinasse, Julie de: salons and, 753
Leto, 101, 135, 136
Letter, The(Vermeer), 688–689, 688
Lewis, Edmonia:work of, 808–809, 808
Leyster, Judith,679; work of,682, 683
Liang Kai,738; work of, 200–201, 201
Liao dynasty, 199, 205,7-23A

Liber pontificalis, 299
Liberty, 5; personification of, 793
Liberty Leading the People(Delacroix),
791, 791
Libeskind, Daniel,1025; work of,
1013, 1013
Libon of Elis: work of, 119
Library, Piazza San Marco, Venice
Lichtenstein, Roy,1025; on Pop Art, 983;
work of, 983, 983
Life of Jesus(from Maestàaltarpiece)
(Duccio),19-9A, 19-10A
Light, 684–685; additive, 7, 10; natural, 7;
response to, 832
Light-emitting diode (LED) technology, 1023
Lima Tapestry,386, 386
Limbourg brothers (Herman, Jean, Pol),
539,20-16A;work of, 532–533, 533
Lin, Maya Ying,1014,36-62A;work of,
1006–1008, 1007
Lincoln, Abraham, 806, 808, 809
Lincoln Memorial, 1007
Lindau Gospels,418, 426; front cover of, 418
L’Indifférent(Watteau),754,755, 757
Lindisfarne Gospels,413, 417,16-3A, 16-9A;
carpet page of,406;Saint Matthew from,
Line, in art, 6–7
Linear A and B, 82
Linear perspective, 248, 539, 562; one-point,
547,547,548; two-point, 547, 547
Linguist’s staff (Bonsu), 898, 898
Linked man and woman (in Dogon art),
894, 895
Lintong army, 185–186, 186
Lion Gate, Hattusa, 43–44, 44
Lion Gate, Mycenae, 92–93,92,94, 95, 97;
detail of, 80
Lion Hunt(Rubens), 9,9,10, 675
Lion hunt and sacrifice to Diana (Rome),
Lions and Old Testament prophet, 440
Lipchitz, Jacques,953; work of, 924, 924
Lippi, Fra Filippo,559, 583; work of,
556–557, 557
Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks
Literati painting, 721, 743
Lithography, 801, 819
Liu Sheng: incense burner from tomb of,
Liu Yuan, rockwork of,724, 725
Lives of the Great Greeks and Romans
(Plutarch), 781
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors,
and Architects(Vasari), 503, 611, 618
Livia, 239, 250, 251, 255; portrait of, 254, 255
Living Theatre, 1021
Livy, Titus, 227, 239, 769
Llama, alpaca, and woman figurine (Inka),
Lobster Trap and Fish Tail(Calder), 954, 954
Lochner, Stefan:work of,20-20A
Locke, Alain,35-36A
Lofty Mount Lu(Shen Zhou),726, 727
Lohans, 201, 203
Lohans Giving Alms to Beggars(Zhou
Jichang), 201, 202
Lombards, 315, 407–408, 415, 428, 445, 447;
Ravenna and, 331
Lombardy, 447, 448, 450, 516
London: Adelphi Terrace, 766; Banqueting
House, 701,701;Chapel of Henry VII,
488,488,495; Chiswick House, 770–771,
771,772, 773, 775; Crystal Palace, 759,
812–813,813,819, 1011; Houses of
Parliament,810,811; Saint Paul’s,702,

770; Westminster Abbey, 457, 489;
Whitehall, 701, 701
Longitudinal section, 11
Longmen Caves (China), 192, 203
Lono, Hawaiian god,33-18A
Loos, Adolf:work of,35-72A
Lord Heathfield(Reynolds), 763, 763
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio,517,19-19B;work
of, 512–513,512,19-16A
Lorenzetti, Pietro,512,19-19B;work of,
510, 511
Lorrain, Claude.SeeClaude Lorrain
Lorsch, Germany: Torhalle,16-20A
Lost-wax process, 122,122,380, 397, 405, 652
Lotus Mahal (India),707, 717
Lotus Sutra,192, 215
Lotus table lamp (Tiffany), 848
Louis, Morris,732, 1025; work of, 977, 977
Louis IX, King, 362, 483; Crusades and, 482;
Rayonnant style and, 482, 495; Sainte-
Chapelle and, 477
Louis VI, King: Suger and, 463
Louis VII, King, 441, 448; Suger and, 463
Louis XIV, King, 691, 699, 700, 754,29-2A,
29-5A;French culture and, 751, 752;
Louvre and, 697–698, 703; patronage by,
696–697; portrait of,696,697, 755
Louis XIV(Rigaud),696, 697
Louis XV, King, 834; Rococo style and, 751,
753, 760
Louvain: Bouts and, 530
Louvre, 466, 636–637,636,647, 701, 702;
east facade of,697;expansion of, 703;
Louis XIV and, 697–698, 703
Loves of the Gods(Carracci), 658,658, 662
Lower Egypt, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59; Upper Egypt
and, 79
Lucian: on Aphrodite statue, 137
Lucius Verus, 239, 272
Lucky Strike(Davis), 936, 936
Ludovisi, Cardinal, 278
Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus, 278,279, 280
Luke, Saint, 329, 528–529, 556; symbol of, 5
Lumbini, 161, 165, 179
Luoyang, 184, 205
Luther, Martin, 596, 626,23-7A;Dürer
and, 630; Reformation and, 630–632;
on religious imagery, 632; salvation and,
631; translations by, 634
Lux nova,460, 464, 495,18-23A
Luxor: temples at,3-24A
Luxury arts, 724, 725, 733; Gothic, 481–486;
Islamic, 350–351, 358–362; Late Antique,
Luzarches, Robert de:work of, 474,474, 475
Ly dynasty (Vietnam), 715
Lydenburg, 395–397
Lydenburg head, 396–397, 396
Ly n c h Frag m e ntseries (Edwards), 995, 996
Lyre player from Keros, 83, 83
Lysikrates,monument by,144, 145
Lysippos of Sikyon,149, 153, 155, 278; work
of, 139–140

Ma Yuan, 7-24A;work of, 200, 200
Maat, 54, 57, 77
Macedonian court art, 140–142
Macedonian Renaissance, 334, 335
Macedonians, 100, 153, 328, 335
Machicolated galleries, 512
Machu Picchu,852,858, 869; aerial
view of, 859
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie,829; work of,
846, 847
Mackintosh, Margaret Macdonald:work
of, 846, 847
Madeleine, La, Paris, 780,780, 819

gardens,736,737; Tainan teahouse, 736,
740,740, 742

La Madeleine: bison at, 18, 19
La Madeleine, church of, Vézelay, 441–442;
tympanum of, 441
La Madeleine, Paris.SeeMadeleine, La
La Magdeleine des Albis: reclining woman,
La Venta (Mexico), 367, 391
Labille-Guiard, Adélaïde:work of,29-14B
Labrouste, Henri,819, 849; work of,
812, 813
Labyrinth, 85, 97,18-44A
Lacquered wood,724,725, 733
Ladies Luncheon Room (Mackintosh and
Mackintosh), 846, 847
Ladislaus, King, 544, 546, 549
Lady of Auxerre,105,105,106, 108, 130
Lalibela, 399–400; Church of Saint George,
400, 400
Lamassu, 45–46,45, 51
Lamentation(Grünewald), 626
Lamentation over the dead Christ, 334
Landscape painting, 793–798,25-25A;
Chinese, 728, 733; Dutch, 686, 688–689;
popularity of, 798
Landscape with Cattle and Peasants(Claude
Lorrain), 693–694, 693
Landscape with Saint Jerome(Patinir),
642, 642
Landscape with Saint John on Patmos
Landscape with volcanic eruption, 26–27, 26
Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione),733;
work of, 729,729, 730
Lange, Dorothea,967; work of, 955, 955
Laocoön and his sons (Athanadoros,
Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes),
153–154,153,608, 609, 619, 844,22-12A
Laon Cathedral, 469, 470, 472, 474–475, 476,
495; facade of,467,468; interior of,467;
nave elevation of, 468
Lapiths, 114, 128, 128
Large Bathers, The(Cézanne),31-20A,
Large Glass, The(Duchamp).See Bride
Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even, The
Lars Pulena, 265, 305; sarcophagus of,
233–234,233, 235
Lascaux, 22–23, 26; animal images at, 21;
Axial Gallery,1-11A;bison at,23;bulls at,
21;cave paintings at, 20, 23,1-11A;
“Chinese horse” at,1-11A;Hall of the
Bulls,1-11A;rhinoceros at, 23
Last Judgment, 330, 412, 414, 465, 466, 505,
Last Judgment(Cavallini),19-8A
Last Judgment(Gislebertus),4,441, 441
Last Judgment(Michelangelo), 596,597,
22-27A, 22-53A;cleaning of, 595
Last Judgment Altarpiece(Rogier van der
Last Supper, 297, 412, 520, 556;
reinterpretation of, 990
Last Supper(Bouts), 530, 530
Last Supper(Castagno), 556, 557
Last Supper(Leonardo),582,587, 608, 616,
623,36-25A;linear perspective and, 547;
restoration of, 595
Last Supper(Tintoretto), 615–616, 615
Late Antiquity, 291, 335, 424; art of, 301, 312,
342, 344, 429; Jewish/Christian art of,
287; painting of, 230, 427; plans of, 302;
religious crosscurrents of, 289

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