Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1078 Index

work of, 803–804,803, 804,828,828,
Manetho, 53; on Imhotep, 57
Manetti, Antonio: on Brunelleschi, 562
Maniera greca,500, 503, 517,19-8A, 19-9A
Mannerism, 579, 612–622, 635, 646, 647,
660, 1009,22-42A, 22-43A, 22-53A;
architecture of, 620–622, 623; Italian, 757,
783; painting of, 612–618; portraiture of,
614; sculpture of, 618–619, 623
Manohar:work of,26-5A
Mansheshe(Oursler), 1024, 1024
Mantegna, Andrea,510, 577, 594, 604, 616,
22-33A;Isabella and, 611; linear
perspective and, 547; work of, 574–576,
575, 576,21-49A
Mantiklos, 103, 105, 106
Mantiklos Apollo,103, 103
Mantua, 542, 674,22-53A;Palazzo del Tè,
620,620,623; Palazzo Ducale, 574,575,
577, 605; patronage by, 572–576, 577;
press in, 541; princely court in, 568,
569; Sant’Andrea, 573,573,574,574,
577, 600, 622
Manuscript painting, 322, 532–533
Maori: meetinghouses of, 885, 887;
woodcarving by, 883, 886
Mappamundiof Henry III (Richard de
Mapplethorpe, Robert,996; work of,
Maps: medieval,18-44A
Maqsud of Kashan,360; carpet by, 360
Maqsura, 345, 349,349, 356
Marat, John-Paul, 769
Marburg, Saint Elizabeth church at, 490,490,
Marc, Franz,915, 945, 987–988; work of,
916, 916
Marcus Aurelius, 239, 254, 272, 275, 276, 277,
282, 283, 323, 551,10-48A, 10-59A;Dura
and, 289; equestrian statue of, 273,273,
22-27A;portrait of, 416,30-2A
Marduk, 33, 45, 47
Marduk ziggurat, 48
Mari: mural painting from,2-17A, 2-22A;
seated statuette of Urnanshe,2-6A;
Temple of Ishtar,2-6A
Marie Antoinette and Her Children
Marilyn(Flack), 985–986, 985
Marilyn Diptych(Warhol), 984,984, 986
Marinatos, Spyridon: theory of, 87
Marine Style octopus jar, 88, 88
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 926, 927
Marisol (Marisol Escobar):work of,
Mark, Saint, 545, 556; relics of, 331;
symbol of, 5
Mark Antony, 145, 239, 254, 255, 287
Markets of Trajan (Apollodorus of Damas-
cus),238,266; aerial view of,266;great
hall of, 266
Marlborough, John Churchill, first duke of,
Marquesas Islands, 836, 887; art of, 882–883;
hair ornaments from,882;tattooing in,
883, 883
Marriage à la Mode(Hogarth), 762, 762
Marriage of the Virgin(Raphael),584,585;
atmospheric perspective and, 547
Marseillaise, La(Rude).See Departure of the
Volunteers of 1792
Marshall Field wholesale store (Richardson),
849, 849
Martin, Saint, 432, 435; statue of, 473, 473
Martin V, Pope: Great Schism and, 501

Martinet, Achille-Louis:work of, 813
Martínez, María Montoya,869; work of,
862, 863, 863
Martini, Simone:work of, 509, 509
Martyrdom, 292, 295, 432, 666, 667, 671, 764
Martyrdom of Saint Philip(Ribera),666, 667
Martyrium,331, 599
Marxism, 730, 733, 821–822
Mary.SeeVirgin Mar y
Mary Magdalene, 297, 424, 432, 441, 491,
505, 520,21-12A
Mary of Burgundy at Prayer(Master of Mary
of Burgundy),20-16A
Mas o Menos(Stella), 976, 976
Masaccio (Tommaso di ser Giovanni di
Mone Cassai),498, 558, 559, 571, 577,
589,21-40A;linear perspective and, 547;
work of, 553–556,554, 555
Masonry Style.SeeFirst Style
Masquerade, 896, 899–901
Masqueraders, 907; Bwoom, 902,902;
Mende, 901; Sande, 901; Satimbe,900;
Senufo, 899,899, 900
Mass, 7–8, 315, 501, 520
Mass culture, Pop Art and, 981
Massys, Quinten:work of, 639–640, 639
Mastaba, 56–57,56,59, 66
Master of Flémalle.SeeCampin, Robert
Master of Mary of Burgundy:work of,
Master of the Symbolic Execution:work
of, 404, 404
Mataatua meetinghouses, 885, 885
Materials, in art, 6
Mathura, Buddha images of, 166
Matisse, Amélie, 911
Matisse, Henri,918, 948, 967,35-4A,
35-34A;Armory Show and, 934; on color,
912;Primitivism and, 920; work of, 911,
911, 912,913,35-2A
Matronage, 933
Matthew, Saint,413,414,417,418, 440,
660, 661; folio of, 417; symbol of, 5, 412,
412, 413
Mau, August: Pompeian Styles and, 246
Maurya dynasty, 160–162, 164–166, 179
Mausoleum, Halikarnassos,5-64A, 5-71A
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia,302,321;
interior of,288;mosaic from,302,304,
Mausoleum of Sultan Hasan, 353; plan of, 353
Mausoleum of the Julii, Vatican Necropolis,
Mawangdui banner,187, 188
Maxentius, 282, 286, 295; Basilica Nova and,
Maximianus, Bishop, 316, 317; mosaic of,
319;throne of,12-15A
Maya, 365, 370, 376, 644; architecture of, 371,
374; building by, 364; calendar of, 371;
Classic, 370–371, 391; culture of, 366, 391;
decline of, 379; language of, 371; Maya
blue color, 374; Postclassic, 854; sculpture
of, 645; society of, 375; temples of, 645
Maya lord and attendants, vase,14-12A
Mazzola, Girolamo Francesco Maria.See
Mbari houses, 896, 903–904, 903
Mbulu ngulu (guardian figure), 892, 892
Meat Joy(Schneemann), 1018, 1018
Mecca, 342, 343, 344, 345, 353
Medes, 40, 47
Medici, Cosimo de’, 542, 559, 570,21-28A
Medici, Cosimo I de’: Bronzino and, 613,
Medici, Giovanni de’, 542
Medici, Giovanni di Bicci de’,21-31A

Medici, Giuliano de’: tomb of, 592–593,592,
22-19A, 22-51A
Medici, Giulio de’, 592
Medici, Lorenzo de’ (grandson), 592, 593
Medici, Lorenzo de’ (the Magnificent), 542,
559, 560, 587, 589, 592; death of, 568
Medici, Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’:
wedding of, 560
Medici, Marie de’: Rubens and, 674, 676, 703
Medici, Piero di Cosimo de’, 611
Medici Chapel (Old Sacristy), 564, 618
Medici family, 519, 524, 630,22-11A;
Donatello and, 549; fall of, 568, 589, 590;
Florence and, 549, 577; Fra Filippo Lippi
and, 557; patronage by, 542, 560; tombs
(Michelangelo),21-1A;Ve r r o c c h i o
and, 550
Mediterranean, maps of,100, 290
Medusa, 112, 135, 230
Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne(Titian),
608, 609
Meeting of Saints Anthony and Paul
(Grünewald), 626, 628
Meetinghouses (Maori), 885,885,887,
Megaliths, 27
Megaron, 92, 109
Meiji period (Japan), 746
Meiping vase,198,199, 204
Melancholy and Mystery of a Street(de
Chirico), 943–944, 944
Melanesia, 871, 872, 873, 878, 880; art of, 887
Melencolia I(Dürer),23-4A, 23-5A
Melfi sarcophagus, 274–275
Melozzo da Forll:work of,21-40A
Melun Diptych(Fouquet),534, 539
Memling, Hans,539,21-42A;work of,
Memmi, Lippo:work of, 509, 509
Memoirs of Marmontel, 753
Memphis, temple at, 105
Menander: portrait of,10-25B
Mencius, 186
Mende, 896, 907; art of, 901; masks,901;
masquerade and, 899, 901
Mendicant orders, 482, 500, 501
Mendieta, Ana,1025; work of, 992–993, 992
Mengs, Anton Raphael:work of,29-22A
Meninas, Las(Velázquez), 668–670,670,671,
786, 787, 807
Menkaure, 59; statue of,62, 63
Mentuemhet: statue of,3-37A
Mentuhotep II, 64, 79
Mercenaries IV(Golub), 998–999, 998
Mercer, Kobena, 995
Merida, Casa de Montejo, 644–645, 644
Merisi, Michelangelo.SeeCaravaggio
Mérode Altarpiece(Campin), 522,523,524,
530, 539,20-14B
Merovingian fibulae, 408,408,409,16-3A
Merovingians, 407, 408, 429
Merz 19(Schwitters), 932,932, 980
Mesa Verde, 390; Cliff Palace,390,391, 861
Mesoamerica, 391; art of, 366–378, 853–857,
869; Classic, 375, 853; human sacrifice
and, 370; landscape of, 366; map of, 366
Mesoamerican chronology, 366
Mesoamerican ritual calendar, 854
Mesolithic period, 16, 24
Metalwork, 2, 365, 409, 450, 459, 493, 495,
544, 836; Celtic/Anglo-Saxon, 414;
Islamic, 350–351; Mycenaean, 94–96
Metaphysical painting, 943–945
Metopes, 112, 120, 128–129, 144, 147
MetroMobiltan(Haacke), 1002, 1002
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York),
248, 402, 918, 1002

Maderno, Carlo,653, 655; work of,
650–651, 650
Madonna, 499, 502, 531, 557, 589, 604,
612, 613
Madonna and Child, 553, 893
Madonna and Child(Luca della Robbia),
Madonna and Child with Angels(Filippo
Lippi), 557,557, 583
Madonna and Child with Saint Anne and the
Infant Saint John(Leonardo), 581,581,
Madonna Enthroned(Giotto), 503–504,503,
Madonna Enthroned with Angels and
Prophets(Cimabue), 502,502, 503
Madonna in a Church(van Eyck),20-5A
Madonna in the Meadow(Raphael),584,
585, 623
Madonna in the Rose Garden(Lochner),
Madonna of the Harpies(Andrea del Sarto),
Madonna of the Pesaro Family(Titian), 608,
608;linear perspective and, 547
Madonna of the Rocks(Leonardo), 580–581,
580,583; atmospheric perspective
and, 547
Madonna with the Long Neck
(Parmigianino),612,613, 623
Madrasa Imami, 357–358; mihrab from, 357
Madrasa-mosque-mausoleum complex, 353,
353;plan of, 353
Madrid: El Escorial, 645,645,647; Palace of
Buen Retiro, 668
Madurai, Great Temple, 711–712, 711
Maebyong vase, 204, 204
Maestà(Duccio di Buoninsegna), 505, 506,
507–508,507, 508,509, 517,18-36A,
19-10A, 19-11A
Magdeburg Cathedral: panel from,16-24A
Magritte, René,943,36-21A;work of, 946,
Maharaja Jaswant Singh of Marwar, 713
Mahayana Buddhism, 161
Mahayana Cosmic Buddha, 192, 193
Maison Carrée, 257–258,257,773, 780
Maitani, Lorenzo:work of, 508–509, 509
Makapansgat pebble art, 15, 16, 16
Making a Work with His Own Body
(Shiraga), 1017–1018, 1017
Male council house (Pueblo), 861, 869
Male gaze, 991, 992, 1025
Malevich, Kazimir,960,35-54A, 36-71A;
Suprematism and, 948, 949; work of,
948–949, 949
Malik Shah I, Sultan, 355, 356
Mallia, palace at, 84
Malouel, Jean, 520, 532
Malwiya Minaret, 347–348, 347
Mamallapuram: rock-cut reliefs at,6-21A,
Mamluks, 353, 358, 361, 363
Man in a House beneath a Cliff(Shitao),
728, 729
Man in a Red Turban(van Eyck), 525–526,
526, 539
Man Pointing(Giacometti),970, 971
Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitsky),967;
work of, 935, 935
Man with ancestor busts, from Rome,
Mandan Indians: buffalo-hide robe of,
Mandapas, 171, 172, 215, 221
Manet, Édouard,805, 816, 819, 823, 826,
31-7A, 31-31A;Japanese art and, 829;

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