Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1080 Index

New York City: AT&T (Sony) Building,
1009–1010,1009;Brooklyn Bridge,
30-48A;Chrysler Building, 964,965,
1024; Equitable Building, 849; Museum
of Modern Art, 954; New York Public
Library, 135th Street, 956; School of
Abstract Expressionism, 972, 974;
Seagram Building, 1005,1006,1009,
1025; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,
1002–1003,1003,1005, 1023, 1024, 1025;
Trans World Airlines terminal, 1004,
1005;Tr i n i t y C h u r c h ,30-44B
New York Herald,on Armory Show, 934
New York Times,1001; on Armory
Show, 934
New York World’s Fair (1937), 940
New Zealand, 871, 887; art of, 885–886;
tattooing in, 883
Newborn, The(Brancusi),35-57A
Newgrange, 91; passage grave at, 27–28, 27
Newman, Barnett,977; work of,974, 975
Newton, Isaac, 700, 758, 915; Enlightenment
and, 757; Wren and, 702
Ngady Amwaash, mask of, 902, 902
Ngatu, 881,881,882, 887
Niccolò di Segna, 21-43A
Nicholas of Verdun,495; work of, 493–494,
493, 494,18-52A
Nicodemus, 297, 334, 660
Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore, 814
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 942, 944
Night(Beckmann), 941–942, 941
Night attack on the Sanjo Palace, 220, 220
Night Café(van Gogh), 833–834, 834
Night Watch(Rembrandt).See Company
of Captain Frans Banning Cocq
Nighthawks(Hopper), 956, 956
Nightmare, The(Fuseli),784, 785
Nigredo(Kiefer), 989, 989
Nika revolt, 312, 313, 320
Nike, 128, 133, 148, 149–150, 927; statue
of, 149
Nike of Samothrace,149–150,149, 927
Nikias, 5-63A
Nile River, 45, 51, 54, 398; Egyptian culture
and, 53; flood of, 54
Nîmes, 257–258
1948-C(Still), 1xvi, 978
Ninety-five Theses:Martin Luther and, 626,
630, 631
Nineveh, 40; Palace of Ashurbanipal,46, 47
Ningirsu, 33, 36, 42
Ningzong, 199, 200
Nintoku, Emperor, 221; tomb of, 209,
209, 210
Niobid Painter,137; work of, 135–136, 135
Nirvana, 160, 161, 201
Nishiki-e prints (color prints), 745
Nkisi n’kondi (Kongo power figure),
894, 894
Noah’s Ark(Douglas), 936, 937
Nocturne in Black and Gold (The Falling
Rocket)(Whistler),830,831, 846
Nofret: statue of,3-12A
Nok, 395–397, 405
Nok statues, 396,396, 399
Nolde, Emil,945; work of, 914,914,35-6A
Nora(Em), 1023, 1023
Norman Romanesque: architecture,
453–455; art, 453–458, 459; painting,
455, 457–458
Normans, 410; Islamic art and, 332
North America: indigenous art of, 860–868,
869; indigenous cultures of, 387–390,
391; indigenous sites of, 860 (map)
Northern and Southern dynasties
(China), 188

Northern Renaissance, 529, 539
Northern School (China), 727.See also
Southern School
Northern Song period, 196, 197, 198, 199.
See alsoSouthern Song period
Northwest Coast, 869; art of, 862–866
Notre-Dame, Paris, 466, 468,468,472,
779, 811
Notre-Dame abbey church, Fontenay, 445;
interior of, 443
Notre Dame de la Belle Verrière,471, 483;
detail from, 471
Notre-Dame-des-Fonts, baptismal font
from, 449, 449
Notre-Dame des Maccabées, 536
Notre-Dame-du-Haut (Le Corbusier), 964,
1004,1004,1025; interior of, 1004
Notre-Dame hors-les-murs, commission
for, 527
Notre-Dame-la-Grande, Poitiers, France,
Novios Plautios,226; work of, 232, 232
Nsangu, King (Africa): throne of,
892–893, 907
Nubia, 65, 67, 77, 79, 395
Nude(Weston), 939, 939
Nude Descending a Staircase(Duchamp),
908, 934
Nude Self-Portrait, Grimacing(Schiele),
Nudit y : in Greek art,5-24A;in medieval
female,31-25A, 35-22A
Nukahiva Island, 883; tattooing in, 883
Number 1, 1950 (Lavendar Mist)(Pollock),
972, 973
No. 14(Rothko), 975, 975
No. 76(Lawrence), 956, 957
Nuremberg Chronicle(Koberger and
Wolgemut), 536, 537
Nymphs,detail ofFountain of the Innocents
Nymphs and a Satyr(Bouguereau), 805

Oath of the Horatii(David), 751, 768,768,
769, 775, 779, 781, 782
Oaxaca, 854, 857
Objects, relative size of, 10
Oceania, 871, 883; art of, 872, 887, 914;
colonization of, 872; map of,872;
women’s roles in, 879
Octavian, 239, 254
October(Limbourg brothers), 533
Odysseus (Athanadoros, Hagesandros,
and Polydoros of Rhodes), 154
Odyssey(Homer), 154, 783
Ofili, Chris:work of, 996,996, 997
Ognissanti Madonna(Giotto),19-19B
Ohisa of the Takashima Tea Shop(Utamaro),
Oi, Katsushika, 744
Oil painting, 521, 522, 863; described, 523;
French, 751; Japanese, 746, 749
Oinomaos, King, 119
Oiran(Takahashi), 746, 746
Okakura Kakuzo, 746
O’Keeffe, Georgia,4, 967, 989, 990; style
of, 3,3,937–938, 938
Old farmer of Corycus, The, 305
Old Kingdom, 59–64, 79; architecture of,
59–61; sculpture of, 62–64
Old man, head of, 242
Old market woman, 152, 152
Old Masters, 252, 822, 836
Old Sacristy, 564, 618
Old Saint Peter’s, 298–299, 589, 591, 597,
599, 651, 652,11-13A;Christian art at,
309; cutaway view/plan of, 298

Old Stone Age: art of, 21; creativity of, 15;
female figures of, 18
Old Testament, 53, 290, 292, 294, 296; Chris-
tian art and, 293; figures from, 439;
statues of, 466
Oldenburg, Claes,1012,36-25A;work of,
Olmec, 370, 856; ball game and, 372; celts, 367,
367;colossi, 367,367;culture, 366–368,
375, 380, 391; ruler portraits, 367
Olowe of Ise,897, 907; work of, 898,898,
Olympia, 121, 155, 174; Temple of Hera, 109,
137–138; Temple of Zeus, 119–120,119,
Olympia(Manet), 804,804, 805
Olympic Games, 99, 102, 119, 155, 301;
establishment of, 100; Herakles and, 120
Olympic stadiums (Tange), 747, 747
On a Mountain Path in Spring(Ma Yuan),
200, 200
On Painting(Alberti), 548
On the Art of Building(Alberti), 549, 577
On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt
On the Dignity and Excellence of Man
(Manetti), 567
On the Origin of the Species by Means of
Natural Selection(Darwin), 822
One and Three Chairs(Kosuth), 1020, 1020
Onesimos:work of,5-24A
Op Art,36-11A
Ophelia, Study no. 2(Cameron), 817, 817
Ophelia(Millais), 809,809, 810
Oppenheim, Meret:work of, 946–947, 947
Or San Michele, Florence, 544, 545, 554,
577,21-35A;tabernacle (Orcagna),
Orcagna, Andrea:work of,19-19B
Orchard Factory, luxury goods from, 724,
725, 733
Oresteiatrilogy (Aeschylus), 118, 119
Orestes, 119, 274
Orestes sarcophagus, 273–274
Orientalizing art, 100–105, 155, 224–225, 235
Orozco, José Clemente,956, 957,35-67A;
work of, 958–959, 958
Orpheus, 335, 921
Orphism, 921, 922
Orthogonals, 146, 530, 547
Orvieto Cathedral (Maitani), 508–509,508,
514, 517, 569, 570,19-12A
Osaka, Japan: Himeji Castle,28-5A
Oseberg ship burial, 410,16-4A;animal-
head post from, 410
Osiris, 69, 73, 75, 76, 77; mummification and,
57; Seth and, 54
Osman I, 355, 363
Ospedale degli Innocenti (Foundling
Hospital), Florence, Italy: loggia
(Brunelleschi),21-30A, 21-35A
Osterley Park House, Etruscan Room at, 766,
766, 767
Ostia, 266, 278,10-54A;architecture of,
270–271; Baths of Neptune, 271,271;
Insula of the Painted Vaults,10-54A;Isola
Sacra, 271–272, 271
O’Sullivan, Timothy,819; work of,
817–818, 817
Otto I, 422, 428; portrayal of,16-24A
Otto II, 428, 450; Theophanu and, 427, 429
Otto III, 422, 424, 427,20-12A;portrayal of,
428, 428
Ottoman Empire, 602, 673; architecture of,
355; rise of, 355, 363
Ottoman Turks, 358; Constantinople and,
311, 336, 339, 341, 355, 363

Nauman, Bruce,1025; work of, 1020–1021,
Naumburg Cathedral, 491, 492, 495,18-49A;
statues at, 491
Navajo, 390, 869; painting, 861–862; rugs,
862; weaving, 861–862
Nave, 468
Nayak dynasty, 711–712, 717
Nazi Party, 909, 910, 940, 943, 953; Bauhaus
and, 963; degenerate art and, 945
Nduen fobara (African ancestral screen),
888, 892
NEA.SeeNational Endowment for the Arts
NEA Four, 996
Near East, Neolithic art in, 24–27, 24 (map)
Nebamun, tomb of, 72–73, 72
Nebuchadnezzar II, 47, 48, 51
Nefertiti,75;portrait head of, 74–75, 74
Nefertiti (Thutmose), 74
Nefrura, statue of, 71–72, 71
Neighing horse (Tang dynasty), 196
Neithardt, Matthias.SeeGrünewald, Matthias
Neo-Babylonia, 51; Persia and, 47–50
Neo-Confucianism, 200, 201
Neo-Expressionism, 987–989,36-31A
Neo-Gothic style,29-26A
Neo-Platonism, 579, 592
Neo-Sumerians, 42, 51
Neoclassical portico, parody of, 1010, 1010
Neoclassical style: architecture, 771, 772,
811; art, 765; painting, 767–769
Neoclassicism, 258, 766–774, 775, 777, 786,
792, 819; Enlightenment and, 784; Grand
Tour and, 766; popularity of, 781; Roman
Empire and, 779; Romanticism and, 788;
transition from, 784, 786
Neolithic: art of, 16, 24–28, 29; China and,
181–184; culture of, 25,1-14A;
Mesopotamia and, 31
Neoplasticism, 950
Neptune (Poseidon), 101, 123, 148, 253,
253,296, 618,638,639, 676; Athena
and, 129, 132
Neptune and Amphitrite(Gossaert),638, 639
Nerezi, 333–334; Saint Pantaleimon, 333, 334
Nero, 176, 239, 261; Golden House and, 251,
258–259, 260, 264, 287; suicide of, 260
Nerva, 239, 263
Nestor: palace of,4-18A
Netherlandish Proverbs(Bruegel),642,643,
Neue Sachlichkeit, 940–943, 967
Neue Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart (Stirling),
Neumann, Balthasar, 29-4A;work of, 754,
Nevelson, Louise,989; work of, 980, 980
New Guinea, 871, 872, 874, 875, 877, 878,
879, 887; art of, 873
New Ireland, 873, 887; art of, 877
New Kingdom, 59, 79; architecture of,
67–77; painting of, 71–73; sculpture
of, 71–73
New media, 1017, 1021–1024, 1025
New Persian Empire, 49, 50
New Rome, 282, 295, 311, 312;
emperors of, 323
New Sacristy, 592
New Saint Peter’s (Bramante), 437, 585, 586,
599–600; plan for, 599
New School for Social Research, Cage
and, 1017
New Stone Age art, 16, 29
New Testament, 242, 290, 292, 294, 296;
authors of, 5; Christian art and, 293;
figures from, 439
New York, Night(O’Keeffe), 938, 938

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