Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1082 Index

Forum,244,245; House of the Vettii, 246,
246,10-15A;Mount Vesuvius and,
244–246, 248–253; painting in, 246,
248–253; Temple of Jupiter (Capitolium),
244,245, 282; Villa of the Mysteries, 248,
249, 263
Pompey the Great: head of,10-11A
Pont-du-Gard, 258, 258
Pontormo, Jacopo da:work of, 612–613, 613
Pop Art, 906, 981–985, 987, 989, 1010, 1014,
1025,36-21A, 36-25A, 36-26B;British,
981; Lichtenstein on, 983
Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de’ Medici
and Luigi de’ Rossi(Raphael),22-11A
Pope Sixtus IV Confirming Platina as
Librarian(Melozzo da Forll),21-40A
Popova, Lyubov :work of,35-54A
Porcelain, 196; Jingdezhen, 722, 725, 733;
Ming, 722; overglaze, 722, 729, 733; Qing,
729–730; Song, 722; Tang, 722; Yuan, 722.
See alsoPotter y
Porch of the Confessors, 472, 473
Porch of the Martyrs, 473
Porta Maggiore, 258,258,22-31A
Porta Marzia, 232–233,233,235, 261
Por tals,430,439–440,440,664,664;parts of,
439; Romanesque, 439,439,445; stone,
439; wooden, 411
Por tinari, Tommaso,20-14A
Portinari Altarpiece(van der Goes), 530, 531
Portland Building (Graves), 1010,1010, 1025
Portrait head, vessel in shape of,384,15-6A
Portrait heads: African,15-6A
Por trait medals,21-28A
Portrait of a German Officer(Hartley),
935–936,935, 941
Por trait of a Lady(Rogier van der Weyden),
529, 529
Por trait of a Noblewoman(Fontana),
Portrait of a Young Man(Bronzino),
614–615, 614
Portrait of husband and wife, from
Pompeii, 253
Por trait of Paul Revere(Copley), 764, 764
Portrait of Te Pehi Kupe(Sylvester), 13
Portrait of the Artist’s Sisters and Brother
(Anguissola), 614
Portraiture, 416; mummy portraits,
10-62B;patronage and, 6; photography
and,986; revival of, 542; Roman,10-25A,
Portuguese, The(Braque), 921, 921
Poseidon (Neptune), 101, 123, 148, 253,
253,296, 618,638,639, 676; Athena
and, 129, 132
Post-Amarna period, 75–77
Post-and-lintel architecture, 28,91,127,
261, 266
Post-Gupta period, 166–167, 169–170, 179
Post-Impressionism, 822, 831–838, 841, 847,
851, 911, 948; Japanese art and, 744, 829
Post-Painterly Abstraction, 732, 733,
975–978, 981, 985, 1025
Postclassic period, 366, 376–378, 853,
854, 858
Postmodern architecture, 1008, 1025,
36-67A;Johnson on, 1009; map of, 1003
Postmodern painting, 987–1002
Postmodern sculpture, 987–1002
Postmodernism, 1008–1011, 1024
Potato Eaters, The(van Gogh),31-16A
Pottery: Cizhou, 198–199,198;Jomon, 208,
221; Mimbres, 390,390,391; Minoan, 88;
Pueblo, 862, 863, 869; Yangshao, 181–182,
182;Yayoi, 208.See alsoPorcelain
Poupou (Maori ancestral panel), 883, 885,

Poussin, Nicolas,700, 703, 755, 837,35-2A;
on painting, 692; work of, 691–693,691,
Pozzo, Fra Andrea,671, 684, 757; work of,
665, 665
Prabhutaratna Buddha, 192, 192
Prague, Saint Vitus Cathedral, 462
Prairie house, 965, 965
Praxiteles,140, 149, 150, 155, 275, 549, 560,
5-62A, 5-63A, 30-6A;work of, 137–138,
137, 138, 151
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 809–810, 817;
Realism and, 809
Precisionism, 936–937, 938, 957, 967
Preclassic period, 366–368, 370; ceramic
sculpture from, 368, 368
Predynastic period, 54–59, 79; architecture
of, 56–59; painting of, 54–56; sculpture
of, 54–56
Presentation in the Temple and Flight into
Eg ypt(Broederlam), 522
Presentation of captives to Lord Chan
Muwan, 375
Priam, King, 81, 112
Priene, 146; restored view of, 146
Primaporta, Villa of Livia, 250,250, 255
Primavera(Botticelli), 560,560, 577
Primitive art, 395, 997
Primitivism, 918–926, 948
Prinas, Temple A, 105,105, 112
Princely courts, 568–576; patronage by,
569, 577
Printing press, 539
Printmaking, 2, 537, 541, 628, 629, 647, 686,
745, 801, 863; blossoming of, 519
Pritchard, Thomas F.:work of, 759, 759
Private portraits, 252–253
Procopius, 312, 314, 323
Productivism as art movement, 960
Project for a central-plan church (Leonardo
da Vinci),22-6A
Proportion, 10, 109
Propylaia (Mnesikles), 126,126,131,131,
133, 135
Protestantism, 596, 635, 637, 701; Catholi-
cism and, 631; establishment of, 625;
iconoclasm and, 632; Reformation and,
647; visual imagery and, 632
Provenance, 3
Proxenos, 134, 227
Psalter of Saint Louis,483–484;
folio from, 483
Psalters, 410, 533
Pseudoperipteral temples, 239, 257, 258
Ptolemy, 78, 586
Pu-abi (Queen or Lady), 38
Public art: Jacques-Louis David on, 768
Public Enemy(Hammons), 997, 997
Public funding of art, controversy over, 996
Pucelle, Jean,532; work of, 484,485,
Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico,
Pueblo Indians, 390, 862; art of, 861, 869
Pugin, A.W.N.:work of,810, 811
Punt: king and queen of, relief,3-20A
Pure Art, 959
Pure Land Buddhism, 212, 214, 215, 216,
735, 736, 737; artwork of, 220
Pure Land of the West, 161, 214, 215, 216, 221
Pure Land Paradise, 193, 220,7-13A
Pure plastic art, 950, 967
Purism, 964; Synthetic Cubism and, 925–926
Purse cover, 409
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 35-2A;work
of,838, 839
Pylons, 70, 71, 79
Pylos: Palace of Nestor,4-18A

Pyramid B, 378, 379
Pyramid of Khafre, 60, 61
Pyramid of Khufu, section of, 60
Pyramid of the Moon, 368, 369, 369
Pyramid of the Niches, 376, 376
Pyramid of the Sun, 368, 369, 369
Pyramid of Unas, 60
Pyramid Texts, 60

Qin dynasty, 184–186, 187, 205
Qin Shi Huangdi, 184
Qing dynasty, 732; art of, 728–730, 733; fall
Queen Mother (Nigeria): head of,15-12A;
waist pendant of, 402, 402
Queen of Heaven, 466, 471, 476, 485, 507, 509
Quetzalcoatl, 376, 854,854,856, 959; Aztecs
and, 370
Quick-to-See Smith, Jaune,1025; work of,
997–998, 997
Quillworking, 863
Qutb Minar, 705–706, 706

RA.SeeResettlement Administration
Ra, 886
Rabbula Gospels,325, 327; folios from,325,
Radiating chapels, 434, 435, 437, 459, 463
Radiocarbon dating, 22, 395, 398
Radnitzky, Emmanuel.SeeMan Ray
Rafin Kura head, 396, 396
Raft of the Medusa(Géricault), 788,789,
30-15A, 30-18A
Rahotep: statue of,3-12A
Raimondi Stele,381,381, 383
Rainer of Huy,457, 459,17-22A;work of,
449, 449
Raised-beam construction, 189
Rajarajeshvara Temple, 171,172, 173
Rajput kingdoms, 710–711; kings of, 707,
708, 717
Rajput painters,26-7A
Ramses II, 164,3-24A;family of, 69–70;
temple of, 68–69,69, 79
Rangoon, Schwedagon Pagoda, 715,715, 717
Rapa Nui (Easter Island), 870, 871, 880
Raphael (Raffaello Santi),592, 595, 604,
608, 612, 613, 618, 620, 623, 658, 659, 662,
671, 675, 691, 783, 840, 980,22-8A,
29-22A;atmospheric perspective and,
547; death of, 579; linear perspective and,
547; work of, 584–587,584, 585, 586, 587,
Rarotonga, 882; staff god from,882;wood
sculptures of, 887
Rathas, 171, 171
Rationalism, Enlightenment and, 766, 798
Rauch, John:work of, 1010, 1010
Rauschenberg, Robert,998,36-21A;work
of, 982–983, 982
Raven and the First Men, The(Reid),32-13A
Ravenna, 301–304, 306, 309, 311, 315–316,
331, 333, 334; Constantinople and, 316;
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia,288, 302,
304, 321; mosaics at, 324, 339; Orthodox
Baptistery,11-16A;San Vitale, 316–317,
316, 317, 318, 319,320, 321, 329, 332, 342,
408, 419, 451,12-15A;Sant’Apollinare in
Classe, 320–321,321;Sant’Apollinare
Nuovo, 303–304,303, 304,306, 309
Raverti, Matteo, 21-46A
Rayonnant style, 477, 478, 482, 495
Re, 54, 59, 60
Readymades, 15, 930,36-21A
Realism, 510, 530, 539, 660, 671, 759, 784,
798–810, 819, 822, 835, 838, 844, 911, 918,

Pilgrimage to Cythera(Watteau), 751,
Pilgrimages, 432, 433, 434, 436, 442, 459, 765
Pilgrim’s Guide to Santiago de Compostela, 432
Pinakotheke,126, 131
Pine Forest(Tohaku), 739, 739
Pink Panther(Koons), 1000, 1000
Pioneer Days and Early Settlers(Benton),
958, 958
Pipe, Adena, 388, 388
Piper, Adrian,1025; work of, 1022, 1022
Pisa, 765; art of, 514–516; Camposanto,
514–515; Crusades and, 442; Leaning
Tower, 451
Pisa Cathedral, 450–451,450,452, 459,
509; baptistery of, 497,499;construction
of, 451
Pisani family, 757
Pisano, Andrea,543, 548,19-19B;work of,
Pisano, Giovanni,503, 516, 542, 543,
19-12A;work of, 499,499,19-12A
Pisano, Nicola (Nicola d’Apulia),499, 510,
517, 542,19-12A;work of, 497–498, 499
Piss Christ(Serrano), 996
Pissarro, Camille,835, 836; work of, 826, 826
Pittura Metafisica (Metaphysical Painting),
943, 944
Piula, Trigo,907; work of,904, 905
Pius XII, Pope,36-3A
Pizarro, Francisco, 366, 643, 860
Place du Théâtre Français, La(Pissarro),
826, 826
Plains Indians, art of, 866–868
Plans (architectural), 11, 12, 12
Plaster sculpture, 95–96, 95
Plateresque style, 644, 645, 647
Platform of the Eagles, chacmool from, 377
Plato, 100, 541, 548, 586, 587, 588, 592
Platonic Academy of Philosophy, 542
Plein air painting,31-2B
Pliny the Elder, 124, 126, 137, 149, 154, 226,
660; on Iaia, 275; Mount Vesuvius and,
245; on Philoxenos, 142
Plum Estate, Kameido(Hiroshige),28-13A,
Plutarch, 125, 140, 692, 781
Poet on a Mountaintop(Shen Zhou),27-11A
Pointillism, 832, 833, 851,36-11A
Poissy-sur-Seine, Villa Savoye, 964,964, 1004
Poitiers, France: Notre-Dame-la-Grande,
Political art, 994–1002
Poliziano, Angelo, 560, 561, 586, 587
Pollaiuolo, Antonio del,569, 577, 619; work
of, 550–551,550,561–562, 561
Pollock, Jackson,973,974, 980, 989, 1017,
1025,27-18A, 36-5A, 36-7A;on easel/
mural painting, 973; work of,972, 973
Polydoros of Rhodes:work of, 153–154,
153, 154
Polyeuktos:work of, 152–153, 152
Polygnotos of Thasos,135, 275
Polykleitos,126–127, 137, 138, 139, 146,
255, 473, 545, 548, 567, 692; prescription
by, 124, 155,5-62A;work of,124, 125
Polykleitos the Younger:work of, 143,
143, 144
Polynesia, 871; art of, 880–886, 887;
tattooing in, 883
Polyphemos, 154, 586, 587, 840
Polyzalos of Gela: charioteer of,5-18A
Pompadour, Madame de, 753, 756
Pompeian painting styles, 246
Pompeii, 264, 271, 278; Amphitheater, 245,
245, 246,253, 261; architecture of, 244;
burial of, 287; excavation of, 766, 767, 775;

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