Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


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concePts PAge

Topic I: Factions and Federal Power

7.1 James Monroe, Second Inaugural Address 4.1 I A 171

7.2 John C. Calhoun, Address to the Southern States 4.1 I D 172

7.3 James Madison, Letter to Mathew Carey 4.1 I C 173

7.4 Justice John Marshall, Worcester v. Georgia 4.1 I B 174

Applying AP® Historical Thinking Skills
New Skill: Interpretation

Thinking Skill 4.8 176

Topic II: Debating the Identity of America

7.5 Lyman Beecher, “The Evils of Intemperance” 4.1 II A 178

7.6 David Walker, “Walker’s Appeal... to the Coloured Citizens
of the World”

4.1 III C

7.7 William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator 4.1 II B 180

7.8 John C. Calhoun, “Slavery a Positive Good” 4.1 II C 181

7.9 Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,
an American Slave, Written by Himself

4.1 II B 182

Reform and Reaction

Chapter 7



1800 –1848

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