Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

244 ChapTer 10 | expansionism: part 2 | period Five 1844 –1877

They will become far more accessible to civilized ideas and ways of thinking
when they are enabled to receive those ideas and ways of thinking through the
most direct channel of expression. At first, their minds should not be over-
burdened with too great a multitude of subjects of instruction, but turned to
those practical accomplishments, proficiency in which is necessary to render
civilized life possible. In addition to the most elementary schooling boys should
be practically instructed in the various branches of husbandry, and girls should
receive a good training in household duties and habits of cleanliness. In this
way a young generation may be raised up far more open to civilizing influences
of a higher kind and more fit for a peaceable and profitable intercourse with the
white people.

Friends Intelligencer 34 (University of Michigan, 1877): 699.

p raCTICIng historical Thinking

Identify: What are the greatest obstacles to civilizing the Indians, according to this
Analyze: How different is this policy statement from earlier efforts to remove Indi-
ans from the native lands? Explain.
Evaluate: Determine the economic, political, and regional factors that influenced
the creation of this policy.

TopIC I | Conquest West 245

applyIng ap® historical Thinking Skills

sKill review Synthesis

In the form of a complete essay—with an introduction that includes a thesis and supporting
paragraphs that analyze the documents above and relevant information from your textbook
and classroom notes—answer the following prompt:

How did internal and international migration affect the politics and society of
the United States from 1844 to 1877? Compare this period with 1800 to 1848
(Chapter 9). To what extent were the causes and effects of internal and international
migration to and within North America similar during these two time periods? To
what extent were they different?

steP 1 Appropriate use of historical evidence
Determine the effect of internal and international migration on the politics and society of the
United States during the years 1844 to 1877. Complete the graphic organizer below.

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