Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

246 ChapTer 10 | expansionism: part 2 | period Five 1844 –1877

Putting it All togEthEr

revisiting the Main Point

How did developments in labor and technology influence American expan-
sion westward? To what extent did these developments contribute to domes-
tic political conflicts?

Describe three ways in which environmental factors contributed to regional
identities in the United States between 1844 and 1877.

In what ways did migration, both internal and from abroad, influence Amer-
ican politics?

Counterarguments in historical essays

Any argument worth making has at least two credible perspectives, and nowhere
is this more evident than in an examination of historical debates. A historical
argument will have at least two audiences—those who agree and those who
disagree. Staking a position and supporting that position become more effective
when your argument acknowledges the credibility of those who do not agree with
you. When you acknowledge counterarguments (positions that oppose your
thesis or part of your thesis) in your essay, your own position gains credibility and
strength. Failing to acknowledge counterarguments implies that you have not
carefully considered alternative ideas on the matter, which harms your credibility.
Counterarguments work in several ways. One way is to acknowledge the
other side early in your essay and then refute this other argument with addi-
tional evidence. By establishing the counterargument early in the essay, you posi-
tion yourself to offer your opposing view, called a refutation. This tactic has the
advantage of drawing in all audiences (those who agree with you and those who
disagree) at the beginning of your essay.
Another way to use counterarguments is to present your own arguments first
and follow them with the other argument. This method allows you to establish
a more original position, rather than frame your argument in reaction to others.
If your refutation occurs later in the essay, you are still obliged to conclude your
essay by returning to the reasons that your initial claims rule the day.
The way to refute a counterargument is to present a better argument that
is backed up with evidence. In Chapters 7 through 9, you learned about the
kinds of evidence that offer credible support. Now is your chance to arrange

putting it all together 247

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