Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
326 ChapTEr 1 3 | a Gilded aGe | period Six 18 65 –1898

In what ways did debates over the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution continue into the Gilded Age? Choose three documents
above that support your opinion.

This question examines a broad range of history, and your understanding of
larger contexts will enable you to frame the response by examining patterns of
continuity and change over time, comparing two very different eras—the Revolu-
tionary period and the Gilded Age.
Formulate an essay using the steps outlined above. You may wish to use the
sample outline above as a starting point to begin your response to this question.
Use the documents from the Applying AP® Historical Thinking Skills exercises in
this chapter as your evidence.

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