Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
380 Chapter 16 | prosperity and reform | period seven 1890 –1945

For example, this textbook provides an extensive overview of historical
themes, or bridges between different concepts. Both assimilation and consumer-
ism shape American self-identity, so the following questions may enable you to
create a new period:

How does assimilation influence a national identity?

How does consumerism influence a national identity?

What ideas, words, or concepts best characterize the new national identity that
emerged during this period?

If, for example, you selected a term such as “inflated confidence” to describe
the national identity, this term would predict the Great Depression that quickly
followed this era. Determining that this era marked a period of “unprecedented
expectations for social services” would invite a discussion of the two Applying
AP® Historical Thinking Skills exercises in this chapter—where you examined
the relationship between a rising leisure time and a government that was respon-
sible for an increasing number of social issues.
Thus, a potential outline for this response is the following:

I. Introduction

II. Determination of a new period (for example, “inflated confidence”)

A. Determination of the turning point

B. Explanation of what period the turning point introduces

III. Examination of subperiod* 1: assimilation

IV. Examination of subperiod* 2: consumerism

V. Conclusion

*By subperiod we mean a related lens or factor through which to examine the
overall period.

stePs 1–4

Steps 1 through 4 of the writing sequence have been outlined in earlier chapters,
which may be consulted for review.

s teP 5 Write the essay

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