Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
534 Index Index 535

Evidence (continued)
relevant, 483–484
statements of, 10, 11, 16–17,
25, 50, 52, 53, 54, 80, 98,
139–140, 157, 161, 188
“Evil empire,” 490
“Evils of Intemperance, The”
(Lyman Beecher, 1827),
Evolution, Scopes trial and,
Exceptions, in historical
argument, 272–274, 379
Exemplars, 272
Expansionism, 213–234
closing of frontier and, 406
conquest of West and, 237–246
Louisiana Purchase and, 215
Manifest Destiny and,
204–205, 222–228
after Mexican-American War
(1848), 236–250
race and, 233
slavery and, 225, 252
Explanations, 188
Explicit evidence, 206

“Facebook Is Invading Your
Phone” (Schlinkert,
The Daily Beast, 2013),
Factions, 169
Federalist No. 10 on, 129–130
federal power and, 171–177
after Revolution, 86
Factory girls, in textile mills,
Fallacies, either/or, 142–144, 188,
210, 248, 424
Fallen Timbers, Battle of (1794),
Families, paintings of middle-
class, 196, 196 (i)
“Family Portraits” (Davis,
1832–1837), 196, 196 (i)
“Farewell Address” (Eisenhower,
1961), 437–438
Farmers’ alliances, 317–318
Farms and farming
in colonies, 28–29
by Indians in New Mexico, 5
Fascism, defeat of, 428
Faulkner, William, “Nobel Prize
Acceptance Speech”
(1950), 475–476

Federal government. See also
Government; Power
expansion of powers of, 374
factions and, 171–177
Federal Housing Administration,
loans from, 475
Federalist Papers, The, “Federalist
No. 10” (Madison, 1787),
Federalist Party
disappearance of, 171
on national and international
policy, 107 (i)
Sedition Act (1798) and, 137
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan,
1963), 452–454
civil rights movement and,
Friedan and, 452–454
Ferdinand and Isabella (Spain),
Columbus funded by, 7
Field, Cyrus W., 316 (i)
Fifteenth Amendment (1870),
276, 295
Filipinos, 406
Fillmore, Millard
Know-Nothing Party and,
“Parody of the Democratic
Party” and (1848), 225 (i)
First Great Awakening, 58,
73–75, 116
“First Inaugural Address”
(Lincoln, 1861), 267–268
“First Navigation Act” (1660),
60–61, 62
First World War, 382
African Americans picketing
during, 398, 399 (i)
League of Nations after,
neutrality during, 406
US entry into, 412–413
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, Great Gatsby,
The (1925), 388–389
Five Civilized Tribes, Indian
Removal Act of 1830
and, 219
Foner, Eric, 305
Food and Drug Administration,
Foods, in Columbian exchange, 2
Force Bill, 202

Ford, Henry, 385
Ford, Lacy K., 233
Foreign affairs, 406
Foster, John, “Memo to President
Grover Cleveland” (1893),
Fourteenth Amendment (1868),
276, 295
“Fourteenth and Fifteenth
Amendments” (1868 and
1870), 295
Cartier’s exploration and, 18–19
Genet mission from, 105
Native Americans and, 26
North American settlement
by, 28
Quasi-War with, 137
revolution in, 105
“Treaty of Alliance between
the United States and
France” (1778), 102
Treaty of Paris (1783) with,
Treaty of Utrecht (1713)
and, 66
wars with Great Britain, 86
“Franchise Restrictions in
the Georgia State
Constitution” (1777),
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated
Newspaper, “Educating
the Indians” (1884), 331,
331 (i)
Franklin, Benjamin
Paxton Boys “Declaration and
Remonstrance” (1764)
and, 149
Poor Richard’s Almanack
(1739), 72–73
Freedman, Estelle, 522
Freedmen’s Bureau, 294
Free Huey Rally, Brown, H. Rap,
speech at, 460
Free-market ideology, 362
after Cold War, 497
Free Soil Democrats, 225 (i)
Free states, Missouri
Compromise and, 217
Frémont, John C., 260
“Republican Campaign Song”
and, 260 (i)
French and Indian War (Seven
Years’ War)

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