Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

534 Index Index 535

North America before and
after (1754 and 1763), 86,
88 (m), 89 (m)
society during, 86
French Revolution, 105
“Declaration of the Rights
of Man” (1789) and,
Haiti slavery and, 136–137
Friedan, Betty, Feminine Mystique,
The (1963), 452–454
Frontier, closing of, 406, 407–408
“Frontier thesis” (Turner), 407
Fukuyama, Francis, “End of
History, The?” (1989),
Fur trade, French, 30
Fusco, Charles, “Interview on the
New Deal” (1938), 377

Gage, Thomas, 96
Galloway, Colin G., 26
Garfield, James A., assassination
of, 347
Garrison, William Lloyd,
Liberator, The (1831), 180
Gay rights movement, 462–463
See also Homosexuality
Gender. See also Wo m e n
civil rights and, 482–483
equality and, 448
voting rights and, 345, 346–347
Generalizations, 43
“General Jackson Slaying the
Many Headed Monster”
(1836), 203–204, 203 (i)
Generall Historie of Virginia, The
(Smith, 1624), 19–20
Genet, Edmond-Charles, 105
“Franchise Restrictions
in the Georgia State
Constitution” (1777),
voting rights in, 124–125
Germany, Soviet Union and, 495
“Gettysburg Address” (Lincoln,
1863), 289
Gilded Age, 307–326
economy in, 309–314
industrialization in, 344–359
Gilrod, Louis, and David
Meyrowitz, “Boychik
Up-to-Date, A” (1900),
364, 365 (i)

Gingrich, Newt, 499
Gitlow, Benjamin, 397–398
Global society, 3, 414, 416, 425
Global warming, 509–510
Glorious Revolution (England,
Dominion of New England
and, 62
Locke and, 70
Gold, in Americas, 21, 28
“Gold Frog Ornaments” (Mixtec,
15th to 16th century),
4, 4 (i)
Goldwater, Barry, 448
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 495
“Gospel of Wealth, The”
(Carnegie, 1889),
Gould, Jay, 316 (i)
under Articles of
Confederation, 125–126
federal, 170
Homeland Security
Department and, 506
Jeffersonian Republicans on,
Locke on, 70–71
of Massachusetts Bay Colony,
Mayhew on, 119
of Pennsylvania, 68
republican, 118
rights-based, 118–126
of Virginia, 34 (i)
Governor’s Investigating
Committee on Problems
of Wisconsin’s Spanish-
Speaking Communities,
“Report to the Governor”
(1971), 481–482
Grady, Henry, “New South, The”
(1886), 310
Graff, Gerald, 486
Graft, 336–337
Grant, Ulysses S.
Hawaiian annexation and, 313
Memoirs (1885), 287
Native American policy of,
Great Awakening
First, 58, 73–75, 116
Second, 233
Great Britain. See England

Great Depression
Roosevelt, Franklin D., and,
373, 374 (i)
social and economic change
and, 362, 373, 374 (i)
Greater Reconstruction, 305–306
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald,
1925), 388–389
“Great Nation of Futurity, The”
(O’Sullivan, United States
Democratic Review, 1839),
Great Society, 459
Greece, Truman on, 432
Greenhouse gases, 510
Greenville, Treaty of (Article 9,
1795), 155–156
Griggs, Thomas, “Advertisement
of a South Carolina Slave
Dealer” (1835), 195,
195 (i)
Grimes Family Papers,
sharecropper contract
from, 296–298
Grimsley, Mark, 298
Guam, 406
United States and, 409
Guevara, Che, 460
Guiteau, Charles, 347, 348 (i)

Haiti (Saint Domingue), slavery
abolished in, 136–137
Hall, David D., 85
Halpern, Martin, 442–444
Hamilton, Alexander
Constitution and, 129
and Jefferson on National
Bank, 107 (i)
Hammond, John Craig, 220
Harlem Renaissance, 382, 389
Harper’s Weekly, “Emancipation
of the Negroes, January,
1863–The Past and the
Future” (Nast, 1863),
284 (i)
Harrison, Benjamin, “Presidential
Proclamation, Wyoming”
(1891), 321
Hawaii, annexation of, 312–313
Health care
Clinton, Bill, and, 498–499
Obama and, 511–512
Hegemony, English, 58
Henry, Patrick, “Virginia
Resolves” (1765), 91–92

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