Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

536 Index Index 537

Indian Converts: or, Some
Account of the Lives
and Dying Speeches of a
Considerable Number of
the Christianized Indians
of Martha’s Vineyard, in
New-England (Mayhew,
1727), 40–41
Indian Removal Act (1830),
Indians. See Native Americans
Inductive reasoning, 229
Industrialization. See also
Industrial Revolution
in Gilded Age, 344–359
Industrial Revolution, Second,
308, 362
Industry, women in, 416, 417 (i)
Inference, 35, 99–101
Infrastructure, in 19th century, 192
Insurance (health), 498–499,
Integration, cultural, 236
Intellectual thought
in Enlightenment, 58
on government, 68–71
transatlantic ideas and,
Intemperance, Beecher, Lyman,
on, 178
“Interim Report on Comic
Books and Juvenile
Delinquency” (Senate
Subcommittee to
Investigate Juvenile
Delinquency, 1955),
“Interior of Mt. Shiloh Baptist
Church” (1700s), 76, 77 (i)
“Interior of St. James Anglican
Church” (1711–1719),
76, 76 (i)
Internment, of Japanese
Americans, 416
Interpretation, 10, 11, 53, 162,
176–177, 199–200, 210,
220–221, 299–300, 301,
339, 442–444, 468,
483–484, 485
“Interview on the New Deal”
(Fusco, 1938), 377
“Interview with the Washington
Star” (Schlafly, 1976),
Iran-Contra affair, Reagan and,

Iraq, George W. Bush and, 507
Iroquois Confederacy, 103
Isabella (Spain), 7
Isolationism, 406

Jackson, Andrew
election ticket for (1828), 194,
194 (i)
elitism and, 233
“General Jackson Slaying the
Many Headed Monster”
(1836), 203–204, 203 (i)
nullification and, 202
Jackson, Patrick T., 200
James II (England), 62, 69, 70
Berkeley conquest of, 39
Native American attack on
(1622), 34, 34 (i)
settlement of, 31
atomic bomb and, 429
Perry in, 240
“Japanese American Child on the
Way to Internment” (Lee,
1942), 416 (i)
Jay, John
Constitution and, 129
Jay’s Treaty and, 106
Jazz Age, 382
Fitzgerald and, 388
Jefferson, Thomas
anti-Jefferson cartoon and,
107 (i)
“Declaration of
Independence” (1776),
“Letter to James Monroe”
(1795), 106
“Letter to Philip Mazzei,” 107,
107 (i), 159
“Letter to Thomas Pinckney”
(1793), 105
Locke and, 118
Louisiana Purchase and, 215
Jeffersonian Republicans
Monroe as, 171
on national and international
policy, 107 (i)
on Sedition Act, 138–139
Jews and Judaism, sheet music
and, 364, 365 (i)
Jim Crow laws, 398
Johnson, Lyndon B.
African Americans and, 460

“Campaign Poster” (1964),
459 (i)
Civil Rights Act (1964) and,
Johnson, Thomas H., 83
Johnston, Joseph E., 287
Jones, Antwan, 468
Jungle, The (Sinclair, 1906),
Juvenile delinquency, comic
books and, 477–478

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 259 (m)
Lincoln-Douglas debates
and, 262
“Kellogg-Briand Pact” (1928),
Kennan, George F., “Long
Telegram, The” (1946),
Kennedy, John F.
Civil Rights Act and, 455
Cuban conflict and, 438
Vietnam War and, 459
Kennedy, Robert F., 448
“Kentucky Resolution” (1799),
Keppler, Joseph, “Bosses of the
Senate” (Puck, 1889),
311 (i)
Key words, 23
Khrushchev, Nikita, “Diplomatic
Cable to Fidel Castro”
(1962), 438–439
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 448
“Address at Mason Temple,
Memphis” (1968),
as civil rights leader, 487–488
“I Have a Dream” (1963),
King, Rufus, on Missouri
Compromise, 216
King Philip’s War, 37
Randolph’s assessment of
causes, 38–39
KKK (Ku Klux Klan), 294, 294 (i)
Know-Nothing Party, platform of
(1856), 241–242
Kongo region, slave trade and,
14–18, 47
Korean Conflict (1950–1953),
“Korean War Soldier’s Letter
Home, A” (1951), 433
Koven, Seth, 425

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