Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
536 Index Index 537

Henry, William, “Letter
Regarding Attacks
of Paxton Boys on
Conestogo Indians in
Lancaster, Pennsylvania”
(1763), 148
Hispanics. See Latin Americans
Historical argument. See Argument
Historical context, 50
Historical themes, 380
Historical thinking skills. See
also Argument; Evidence;
Synthesis; Writing skills
causation, 21, 33, 49–50, 51,
67, 79, 80, 108–110, 111,
153, 162–166, 220–221,
226–228, 292–293, 301,
323, 410, 411, 422, 445,
458, 468, 483–484
comparison, 15, 42–43,
51–55, 77–78, 80–81, 82,
111, 131, 143–144, 157,
163–164, 165, 243, 246,
270–271, 285–286, 298–
299, 302, 325, 333–334,
355, 364, 391–392, 401,
402–403, 420–421, 445,
472, 517, 520
contextualization, 49–50,
77–78, 127, 161, 208,
264–265, 285–286,
314–315, 324–326,
333–334, 355, 357,
367–368, 391–392, 401,
442–444, 445, 502
continuity and change over
time, 9, 51, 52, 98, 199–
200, 323, 378, 391–392,
411, 420, 421
inference, 35, 99–101
interpretation, 10, 11, 53,
162, 176–177, 199–200,
210, 220–221, 299–300,
301, 339, 442–444, 468,
483–484, 485
periodization, 16, 207–208,
243, 293, 355, 356–357,
368, 379, 411, 468, 517
synthesis, 186–187, 189,
205, 226–228, 245–246,
270–271, 298, 300, 301,
339, 421, 423, 445, 446,
483–484, 502–503
History of the Standard Oil
Company, The (Tarbell),

Hoffman, Abbie, Steal This Book
(1970), 480
Homeland Security, Department
of, 506
“Homestead Act” (1862),
gay rights movement and,
Southern Baptist Convention,
“Resolution on
Homosexual Marriage”
(1996), 501
“Honest Graft and Dishonest
Graft” (Plunkitt, 1905),
“Hopelessly Bound to the Stake”
(Puck, 1883), 316, 316 (i)
House of Burgesses (Virginia), 91
slave laws and, 45–46
House Un-American Activities
Committee (HUAC)
African Americans,
communism, and,
Seeger and, 435–436
Housing, Levittown and, 475,
475 (i)
Howe, Daniel Walker, on Market
Revolution, 1200
“How It Feels to be Colored Me”
(Hurston, 1928), 389–390
“How Puritan Were the
Puritans?,” 83–84
“How the Other Half Lives” (Riis,
1890), 319, 319–320 (i)
Hudson River School, 185, 186 (i)
Hull House, 335
Human rights, after Second
World War, 428
Hurston, Zora Neale, “How It
Feels to be Colored Me”
(1928), 389–390
Hussein, Saddam, 507

of America, 146, 178–187
American self-identity, 380
regional and national,
“I Have a Dream” (King, 1963),
Illegal immigration, border fence
with Mexico and, 510,
510 (i)

“Image of John Winthrop IV”
(1773), 71, 71 (i)
“Images of Hernán Cortés
Assisted by the Tlaxcalan
People of Mexico” (1560),
8, 8 (i), 9 (i)
Immigrants and immigration
Asian, 515–516, 516–517
border fence with Mexico
and, 510, 510 (i)
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
and, 348–349
Espionage Act (1917) and, 393
European Jews and, 364,
365 (i)
in Gilded Age, 308
history of, 339
in Lower East Side New York,
319, 319–320 (i)
Immigration and Nationality Act
(1965), 515
Imperialism, 406
Implications, in historical
argument, 422–424
Implicit evidence, 206
Imports, taxes on, 92–93
Inalienable rights of man,
Puritans and, 83
Inaugural addresses
“First Inaugural Address”
(Lincoln, 1861), 267–268
“Inaugural Address” (Carter,
1977), 440–441
“Inaugural Address” (Davis,
1861), 266–267
“Second Inaugural Address”
(Monroe, 1821), 171–172
Indentured servants, 28
Independence (Texas),
“Texas Declaration of
Independence” (1836),
Independence (US)
Adams, Abigail, on, 121–122
Common Sense (1776) and,
Declaration of Independence
and, 122–123
political power and rights
after, 116
recognition of, 104
Washington after, 86
women’s roles and, 121–122
Independent Monitor, “A n t i -
Reconstruction Cartoon”
(1868), 294, 294 (i)

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