Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

538 Index Index 539

Lincoln, Benjamin,
between Daniel Shays
and Benjamin Lincoln”
(1787), 151–152
Linear argument, 162–164, 190
Little Bighorn, Battle of, 330
Locke, John
Declaration of the Rights of
Man and, 135
“Second Treatise on Civil
Government” (1690),
“Two Treatises of
Government” (1690), 118
“Long Telegram, The” (Kennan,
1946), 430–431
Long-term causes, 21, 33
“Looking Backward, 2000–1887”
(Bellamy, 1887), 350–351
Loom and Spindle: or, Life among
the Early Mill Girls
(Robinson, 1898), 198–199
Louisiana Purchase
future of territories in, 216
“Map of the Louisiana Purchase”
(1805), 215, 215 (m)
L’Ouverture, Toussaint, “Letter
to the Directory” (1797),
Lowell, Francis Cabot, 200
Lowell, Massachusetts, textile
industry in, 198–199
Loyalists, 103
“Luna Park, Coney Island” (c.
1908), 365, 366 (i)

Machines (political), 197
Madison, James
“Federalist No. 10” (1787),
“Letter to Mathew Carey”
(1831), 173–174
Main point, 3
Majority rights, after
independence, 16
Malcolm X, 448
Manifest Destiny, 204–205,
223–228. See also
Expansionism; Migration;
We s t
Canada, Oregon Territory,
and, 223
Native Americans in West
and, 329

Texas independence and,
Manufacturing. See also
Industry; Market
Carnegie and, 313
of Barbados, 44 (m)
Eastern Seaboard (1701),
64 (m)
“Map of Barbados” (Ligon,
1657), 44 (m)
“Map of Kansas-Nebraska
Act” (1854), 259, 259 (m)
“Map of North America,
Eastern Seaboard” (1701),
64 (m)
“Map of the Louisiana
Purchase” (1805), 215,
215 (m)
March on Washington (1963),
Market economy, 193–201
Market Revolution, 191–211
“Marks of a True Conversion”
(Whitefield, 1739), 73–74
Marshall, John, Worcester v.
Georgia (1832), 174–175
Marshall, Thurgood, 460
Martin, John, “Proposal for
Subjugating Native
Americans” (1622), 35
labor strike in, 354–355
Mayflower Compact and, 32
Shays’ rebellion in, 151–152
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 62
charter of, 38–39
Massachusetts Gazette, “Account
of the Boston Tea Party,”
Mass production, of automobiles,
385, 386 (i)
“Mayflower Compact, The”
(1620), 31–32
Mayhew, Experience, Indian
Converts: or, Some
Account of the Lives
and Dying Speeches of a
Considerable Number of
the Christianized Indians
of Martha’s Vineyard,
in New-England (1727),

Mayhew, Jonathan, “Discourse
Concerning Unlimited
Submission and Non-
Resistance to the Higher
Powers” (1750), 119
Mazzei, Philip, Jefferson letter to,
107, 107 (i), 159
McGirr, Lisa, 483–484
McKinley, William, 406
Cuba and, 408–409
Hawaiian annexation and,
Meatpacking industry, The Jungle
and, 371–372
Mechanization, cotton gin and,
Medina, Jennifer, “New Suburban
Dream Born of Asia and
Southern California”
(New York Times, 2013),
“Meeting: Democratic Mechanics
and Working Men of New
York” (Walsh, 1842), 197
“Meeting of the Communist
Labor Party” (New York
Times, 1919), 396–398
Memoirs (Grant, 1885), 287
“Memory of a British Officer
Stationed at Lexington
and Concord” (Atlantic
Monthly, 1775), 96–97
“Memo to President Grover
Cleveland” (Foster, 1893),
Mercantilism (economic theory)
about, 60
Dominion of New England
and, 62
Merian, Matthaeus, “Native
Attack on Jamestown,”
34, 34 (i)
“Message to Congress on Making
the Civilian Conservation
Corps a Permanent
Agency” (Roosevelt,
1937), 374–375
Metacomet (King Philip), 37
Mexican-American War
(1846-1848), 253
Mexican War
Greater Reconstruction and,
“War Message” (Polk, 1846)
and, 237–238

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