Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
540 Index Index 541

“Border Fence with Mexico”
(2009), 510, 510 (i)
Las Gorras Blancas (White
Caps) from, 318–319
Spanish rule of, 36
“Texas Declaration of
Independence” (1836)
and, 222–223
war with, 237–238, 305
Meyrowitz, David, and Louis
Gilrod, “Boychik
Up-to-Date, A” (1900),
364, 365 (i)
Michel, Sonya, 425
“Michigan Requests Federal Loan
to Bolster Unemployment
Fund” (Stuart, New York
Times, 1980), 493–494
Middle class
growth of, 382
paintings of families in, 196,
196 (i)
Middle East, Obama on,
512–513, 519
history of, 339
west of Mississippi, 243–244
Military, in Civil War, 287–288
“Military Orders” (Lincoln), 287
Miller, Perry, 83
Milliken, William G., 493
Minority rights, after
independence, 116
Missile crisis, in Cuba, 438–439
Missions and missionaries
(Christian), 26
in Hawaii, 312–313
Wampanoag Indian
conversions and, 40–41
Mississippi River region
Louisiana Purchase and, 215
migration west of, 243–244
navigation rights on, 156
slavery and, 220
states and, 220
Missouri Compromise (1820),
about, 216
“Missouri Compromise” (1820),
document, 217
Missouri Crisis, “Two Opinions
on the Missouri Crisis”
(1819), 216
Missouri Territory, 216
Mixtec people, gold frog necklace
by, 4, 4 (i)

Moctezuma (Aztecs), 8 (i)
“Model of Christian Charity, A”
(Winthrop, 1630), 32–33
“Model Office Seeker, A,” Puck
(1881), 347, 348 (i)
“Model T Fords Coming Off
the Assembly Line,” 385,
386 (i)
Monarchy, Mayhew on, 119
Monroe, James, 171
Jefferson letter to (1795),
“Second Inaugural Address”
(1821), 171–172
Monroe Doctrine (1823), 218
Montesquieu, Declaration of the
Rights of Man and, 135
Morality, conservatism and, 491
“‘Morning in America’ Campaign
Television Commercial”
(1984), 494
Mt. Shiloh Baptist Church,
interior of (1700s), 76,
77 (i)
“Much Madness is Divinest
Sense” (Dickinson, 1862),
Mulatto, 48–49
Multiple perspectives, 402–404
Murphy, Carl, “Open Letter
Home during World War
II, An” (1943), 417–418
Music, Yiddish for, 364, 365 (i)
Mustizo, 48–49

Napoleon Bonaparte, Louisiana
Purchase and, 215
Narragansett people, 37
Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Douglass, an American
Slave, Written by Himself
(Douglass, 1845),
Nash, Gary B., 168
Nast, Thomas
“Emancipation of the
Negroes, January, 1863–
The Past and the Future”
(Harper’s Weekly, 1863),
284 (i)
“This Is a White Man’s
Government” (1874),
295–296, 296 (i)
National Bank, controversy over,
107 (i)

National Black Feminist
Organization, 487
National forests, creation of, 321
National Guard, in Berkeley,
National identities, 158–161
National Recovery Act (NRA),
National security, 442–444
Native Americans. See also
specific groups
American Indian Movement
and, 465–466
assimilation of, 244–245
attacks on British colonists
by, 65
Christianity and, 12, 26,
Columbus’s descriptions of, 7
conquest of, 34–43
“Dawes Allotment [Severalty]
Act” and, 332
diversity of societies, 4–6
“Educating the Indians”
(Frank Leslie’s Illustrated
Newspaper, 1884), 331,
331 (i)
before Europeans, 4–6
Europeans and, 26, 34–43
Grant’s policy toward,
Indian Removal Act of 1830
and, 219
Iroquois Confederacy and,
Jamestown attack by (1622),
34, 34 (i)
Jefferson letter on, 105
Paxton Boys attack on
Conestogo Indians and,
in Pontiac’s Rebellion, 89–90
in Quebec, 18–19
race and, 233
Reconstruction and, 305
“Report from the Spotted Tail
Indian Agency” (1877),
rights of, 448
secondary sources on, 26
societies of, 2
Spain and, 12, 13, 14
in transatlantic world, 58
in West, 329–334
“Native Attack on Jamestown”
(Merian, 1622), 34, 34 (i)

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