Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
546 Index Index 547

Slaves and slavery (continued)
“Advertisement of a South
Carolina Slave Dealer”
(Griggs, 1835), 195, 195 (i)
Aunt Phillis’s Cabin and,
in British colonies, 44–49,
Calhoun on, 181–182
as cause of Civil War, 305
Douglass on, 182–183
Dred Scott decision and, 261
emancipation and, 276,
278–279, 281–282
“Enslaved Africans to the
Western Hemisphere”
(1450–1900), 46
expansion and, 220, 225
Missouri Compromise and, 217
native peoples as, 12
“Pennsylvania Act for the
Gradual Abolition of
Slavery” (1780), 133
Royal African Company and,
in Saint Domingue, 136–137
sectionalism and, 251–274
“Slavery a Positive Good”
(Calhoun, 1837), 181–182
South Carolina slave dealer
advertisement and, 195,
195 (i)
Stono Rebellion and, 47
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and, 178,
Union and, 251–274
“Virginia Slave Laws”
(1662–1669), 45–46
Weld, Isaac, on, 160
“What to Do with the Slaves
When Emancipated”
(New York Herald, 1862),
Wheatley, Phillis, and, 120
Slave states, Missouri
Compromise and, 217
Slave trade, 46
African, 3
Portuguese West African,
Smith, John, Generall Historie
of Virginia, The (1624),
19–20, 31
SNCC. See Student Non-Violent
Coordinating Committee

Social classes, 58
Social contract theory (Locke),
CIA and, 434
Debs and, 395–396
Social media, Facebook and,
Social movements, New Right
and New Left as,
Social Security, George W. Bush
on, 508–509
changes in North American,
7–11, 26
global, 3, 414, 416, 425
Locke on, 118
Native American, 2, 4, 26
after Second World War,
Sociology, African American
wage status study,
Sons of Liberty, 95
South, 276. See also Confederacy
cotton in, 193
Jim Crow in, 398 (i)
Latin Americans in, 516
“New South, The” (Grady,
1886), 310
post–Civil war economy of,
Reconstruction and, 294
secession of, 252
South America, societies of, 2
South Carolina
slave dealer’s advertisement
in, 195, 195 (i)
“South Carolina Exposition
and Protest” (Calhoun,
1828), 202
“South Carolina Slave Code”
(1740), 48–49
Stono Rebellion in, 47
Southeast United States, Indian
removal from, 219
Southern Baptist Convention,
“Resolution on
Homosexual Marriage”
(1996), 501
South Korea, in Korean Conflict,
South Vietnam, 459
Soviet Union. See also Cold War

Berlin Wall and, 495
Bolshevik Revolution and
(1917), 396–397
collapse of, 490
creation of, 396–397
Cuba and, 438
Kennan on, 430–431
Reagan on, 496–497
after Second World War, 428
Truman Doctrine and, 432
Aztec conquest and, 8 (i),
9 (i)
Columbus’s voyages and, 7
Cuba and, 406, 407–408
encomienda system and, 12
Mexican rule by, 36
Pinckney’s Treaty with, 156
Pueblo Revolt against, 15–16
treatment of Native
Americans by, 13, 14
Spanish-American War (1898),
US protectorates after,
406, 409–410
Spanish-speaking communities.
See also Latin Americans
“Report to the Governor”
(Governor’s Investigating
Committee on Problems
of Wisconsin’s Spanish-
Speaking Communities,
1971), 481–482
Spartan Association (political
machine), 197
Speculation, land, 220
“I Have a Dream” (King,
1963), 454–455
“Speech at Edwardsville,
Illinois” (Lincoln, 1858),
“Speech at Free Huey Rally”
(Brown, 1968), 460
“Speech at the Berlin Wall”
(Reagan, 1987), 495
“Speech at the University of
Virginia” (Reagan, 1988),
“Speech in Canton, Ohio”
(Debs, 1918), 395–396
“Speech in Support of
Woman Suffrage”
(Anthony, 1873), 346–347
“Speech on the Middle East”
(Obama, 2011), 512–513

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